Chapter 5

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The villagers dragged Big Shu outside the hut and used the climbing rope to tie him up. Thanks to his rough, unkempt hair that fell to his shoulders, no one noticed the growing bump at the back of his head.

A few people discussed whether they should send Big Shu to the village head or the town police station. In the end, the police station was too far and Big Shu was still their villageperson, it was best to leave the matter to their head to deal with him.

Big Shu groaned and woke up. He jerked in surprise when he found so many people surrounding him. He tried to stand up, but then he discovered that hus hands and feet were bound up like a criminal.

"What did you crazy people do to me?" He yelled furiously. "Why did you tie me like this?"

Big Shu grit his head as he felt a sharp pain at the back of his head when he raised his voice.

"What a scumbag!" A villager spat at him.

"This trash is the enemy of all women."

"Lecherous beast, stealing other people's wives instead of marrying his own."

"If I were Lu Chen, I'd break his legs for kidnapping my wife." One man sneered and looked away like Big Shu was dirtying his eyes.

Big Shu snorted arrogantly as he quickly caught on to the situstion he was in. He sneered without a bit of remorse, "Is it not that Ying woman? She is my lover. Lu Chen is not man enough to take care of her so I did it."

"Big Shu have you gone crazy? That's a married woman!" A young man asked him.

Big Shu huffed dismissively. "So what? Lu Chen can't take care of a pretty girl like her. I will take over the woman as my wife. He should be glad."

"You are really shameless! That woman married Lu Chen, why are you eyeing her?" An old woman angrily shook her fist at him.

"So what if he did?" Big Shu eyed the woman and smirked. "Can Lu Chen afford to feed her three times a day? Can he buy her new clothes or bracelets for new year? That useless man can't even fill her belly with one meal. She had bad eyes to marry him, at least I'm willing to take in used goods. She should be grateful!"

All the villagers were utterly astonished. What kind of thought process was this, a poor man's wife can be snatched?

The villagers angrily hissed and threw curses at him.

A soft, pleasant voice soared above the crowd's and admonished him. Feifei had joined with the crowd outside. She stood in front of Shu with soft, moist eyes and her small fists clenched in front of her. She looked like a small rabbit trying to stand up to a lion.

"Stop saying bad things about Big Brother Chen! We don't have much but big brother works hard to put every meal on the table for us. And everyone in our family appreciates it. Lu Chen works really hard, he takes jobs in the factories, in repair shops in town and still helps us at the farm. No one around works harder than big brother so stop saying those disgraceful things about him. They are not true." Feifei's soft voice spoke full of gentle passion and conviction.

The villagers nodded at Feifei's words and continued to scold Big Shu harshly.

He huffed and struggled with the ropes. "Ask that woman for me. Who has been giving her rice and meat to eat for the past two weeks? I didn't force her to come here. The Lu family is so poor, they don't even have dried crayfish at home. I've been taking care of Chang Ying, now that Lu bastard wants to claim the wife I raised, screw him!"

Feifei continued to speak with conviction for Lu Chen and the villagers did not refute this gentle girl. But they turned away and secretly wondered about Chang Ying.

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