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Like a responsible adult, Snape wouldn't let Alex or Draco keep any of the potions they brewed. Alex didn't like that, though it was to be expected. He wasn't just her teacher anymore. He was her family now too. Which came back to him being a responsible adult around her and Draco, and also meant less fun. She had to admit, she did rather enjoy herself. There were of course times where she felt a little prickly, or sick. But she found that in the dead of the night, right after she woke from one of her nightmares, she'd have a small window where the other two occupants in the house were asleep. It was more of a relief, at this point- to be able to empty out her stomach. She wasn't naive. Ginny getting her hands on that diary was a mistake. Draco's dad had no reason to slip it between Ginny's books, if all he wanted was to be rid of it. There were far easier ways to dispose of it. And Alex was sure he had access to far more lethal and unassuming objects that he could have used if his aim was to harm the Weasley family. No, the diary was specific. Which meant he'd gotten a visit from one of Voldemort's lackeys. Most likely Mr Griffiths. It could be that Malfoy senior made a mistake. Targeted her sister instead of her. Ginny had gone through a lot and she wasn't even the target. She was just another name in Alex's list of victims.

After the week ended, Snape was taking them home. He insisted on apparating them individually and had Alex stay behind while he took Draco back first. There was definitely something going on, but Alex chalked it up to him trying to keep Alex away from Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy.

Alex was alone for ten minutes when the door unlocked. She closed her book, and stood up.
"I thought you might have gotten roped into a conver-" she stopped, taking in the unfamiliar man at the door. "Who are you?"

"Who are you?" He countered, looking as confused as she did. She studied him for a moment before realising he looked eerily similar to Snape. And, in some ways, similar to her. Her stomach started to turn and she glanced up at the stairs wondering if she could get away quick enough.

"Student." She eventually managed to blurt out. "My teacher lives here."

"Oh, you go to Hogwarts?" He said, realisation dawning on his face. She nodded hesitantly. "I'm Titus, his brother. What's Severus like as a teacher?"

"He's pretty great." She answered curtly.

"Is he home?"


"Do you know when he'll be back?" She shrugged.

"He went to drop Draco off at his home."

"He left you here alone?"

"Just for a couple of minutes." She said, holding up her book. "I can keep myself entertained. Plus, I'm pretty sure he's warded away anything he doesn't want me near."

"Mind if I wait with you until he comes?" She simply shrugged again. There went her plan of escaping upstairs. She walked back to the living room and continued reading her book. He sat down on the sofa far enough away from her. She suddenly looked up, eyes narrowed in concentration.

"Did he know you were coming?" Titus shook his head.

"No." He didn't offer much explanation either.

They sat in silence until a crack sounded in the hallway. Snape- her uncle- appeared in the doorway. The door somewhat obscured the sofa where Snape's brother sat, but he was a spy in more than just name. He seemed to notice Titus immediately.
"Ty." He said. "What are you doing here?"

"Thought I'd visit my brother."

"Alex, why don't you go heat up some of yesterday's leftovers in the kitchen? I'll be there soon." She leapt to her feet and practically ran out.

Alex waited at the kitchen table for Snape to come back. He did a few minutes later.
"Thought I told you to heat up some food?"

"I'll throw up if we Apparate right after, so there's no point."

"We'll go to the lab and brew some dreamless sleep potions while your stomach digests the food." He said.

"Is that a good idea?" She asked. "With your... guest?"

"You need to eat, Alex."

"I will. Mum'll make me when I get home, anyway."

"We both know you get away with a lot more when you're at home." Alex shrugged.

"I promise I'll have something." Snape looked doubtful but only an idiot would try to force Alex to stay and eat while his brother was in the next room. He nodded.

"Okay. You have everything?"

"My trunk's in the living room." She informed.

"I'll go get it."

Returning home was a little weird. Her mother had enveloped her in another bone crushing hug, which was to be expected at this point. Molly hated it when Alex left, and so expressed her gratitude for Alex's return at every chance she got. No matter how many times she ended up in her mother's embrace or how safe she knew it was, the feeling of entrapment never faded. It was all she could do to not push away her mother.
"Hi mum." She mumbled and her mother let her go.

"How are you?" Molly asked, tucking some hair behind her daughter's ear.


"Everyone's in the kitchen. Have you had lunch yet, or should I count you out?"

"She hasn't." Snape answered before she could say anything. "I hate to be hasty, but I do have to go home. You've raised a lovely daughter." Molly flinched at the compliment in confusion before smiling at him very widely. Alex tried not to roll her eyes. Snape was a Slytherin through and through.

"She's a wonderful child." Molly said, in that bragging tone only a parent could use. Snape nodded and walked away before disapparating. "Do you know, I think professor Snape is a lot nicer than he usually lets on."

"I know. That's what I've been saying for two years."

"Don't you smart off now." Molly pat her head, fondly. "Now, come along. Your father and I have exciting news to share with all of you."

Alex Weasley: Book 3Where stories live. Discover now