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Hermione looked between Alex and the unfamiliar Slytherin suspiciously. They were all sitting by the black lake, not quite close to the forest, but still further up from the school.
"It isn't polite to gape at people." Laila raised a brow.

"Sorry." Hermione apologised.

"Shocked a Slytherin can make friends?" She asked.

"No! No no." Hermione was quick to deny it. "Shocked Alex can. She's not the most social of people."

"You're her friend."

"Persistence, circumstance and observation."

"A lot of persistence." Alex agreed. "Though, I suppose it helped that you and Ron didn't get along."


"Of course, as soon as we actually became friends, you had to go off and become his too."

"Oh god." Hermione groaned. "Let's just get back to why we're meeting here?"

"Well, the twins are annoying." Hermione nodded. When Alex didn't continue, she crossed her arms.

"That's nothing new. Didn't they ambush us a few days ago?"

"Yeah. And then yesterday, I promised I'd help them prank Cedric." Laila perked up, but showed no other signs of surprise. "But, I don't appreciate the extortion."

"Of course not. It's not as if you'd ever do anything like that." Hermion agreed dryly.

"So, anyway." Alex ignored her friend's sarcasm. "I'd like to double cross them."

"Whatever happened to 'I'm a Hufflepuff. I have integrity'?"

"I'm not going back on my word. I'll help them prank Cedric. And then once I've helped them, I'll sabotage them and turn it back on them!"

"Oh no. Why am I involved?"

"I think it's a good idea." Laila shrugged.

"Come on. I need you." Alex begged Hermione.

"It's inviting trouble."

"It's sticking up for our friend. You want that, don't you?"

"I just think you've got more important things to be occupying your time with." Hermione looked at Alex meaningfully.

"I do?" Alex asked, like it was news to her. Hermione's glare hardened and Alex looked away.

"Ginny?" Hermione noticed the youngest Weasley approaching.

"Glad you could make it." Alex greeted her sister.

"Anyone else coming?" Hermione asked. Alex shrugged.

"One more. Maxine said she had to see professor McGonagall, but she'll be here soon."

"And do I have to be here?"


"Are we breaking rules?"


"Do you promise?"

"It's like you don't trust me."

"Not funny." Hermione snapped and Alex grinned at her.

"Sorry. I know, you're the best." Hermione nodded.

"I do trust you."

"I know. And I trust you."

"I'm sorry. I thought you were interested in Cedric. Did I read that wrong?" Laila looked between them. Alex blushed and Hermione smirked.

"She's definitely in looove." Hermione teased in a sing-song voice. "They're going on a date."

"So you two...?" Laila asked pointing between them.

"What about us two?" The girls asked in unison before looking at each other.

"That was so cool!" Alex said.

"I know!"

"I can never tell either." Ginny remarked.

"Tell what?" Alex asked.

"Nothing." Laila said, after a moment's deliberation.

"Maxine's here!" Alex pointed out, waving her over. "Time to call this meeting to order."

It was the 29th of October when Alex put her plan into motion. She couldn't wait to see the twins' reactions.

As predicted, it was pure comedic gold. Fred and George walked into the Great Hall expecting to see Cedric with neon yellow highlights, only to be surprised with the entire Hufflepuff table donning black hair with bright yellow highlights. That was not what they were expecting. And just another table over, all of the Slytherins could be seen with silver hair and green highlights. Alex glanced over at Laila who winked at her. She gave her a thumbs up in reply before turning to her brothers who looked annoyed but also somewhat proud. Alex turned to Hermione, the only individual sitting at the Hufflepuff table without coloured hair and nodded.
"Okay, we can get out now." She said, and she and Hermione quickly snuck out of the great hall.

"We have time to grab something to eat before class." Hermione said. "Let's go to the kitchens."

"I'm not hungry."

"Just a hot cross bun? Or even a slice of toast."

"I can't, H." Hermione nodded, resigned.

"Okay." And that's all there was to it. They stopped by the kitchens to get Hermione a plate of scrambled eggs before spending the rest of the hour in the Hufflepuff rooms. Alex had first period to herself, and decided to go to the library. She picked out some books she could reference in her ancient runes essay before settling down to read them.

Alex got too carried away and almost missed transfiguration. She ran all the way to the classroom, desperate not to be late. McGonagall was a good teacher. Stern, but fair. She couldn't be late.

After class, she saw the twins waiting for her. She was expecting it though, and grabbed Hermione, making sure the latter wouldn't disappear on her.
"You're not supposed to follow me on your creepy map anymore." Alex said, keeping Hermione firmly between her and the twins.

"We had a deal. You'd help us prank Cedric."

"I did help you. Who knew it'd turn out to be a fashion trend?"

"How did you even get the Slytherins in on it?"

"I have friends in high places."

"You mean low places." Fred muttered.

"Heard that!"

"I can't believe you pulled that off. I'm not sure whether to be upset or impressed. Seriously, how did you get the Slytherins and Hufflepuffs all in it."

"It only took a few people the houses would listen to. And to convince them, I just had to mention I wanted to get back at you."

"For what?" George asked, incredulous.

"I don't respond well to extortion and blackmail. Keep that in mind next time."

Alex Weasley: Book 3Where stories live. Discover now