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"Here." Alex said giving Draco a letter.

"If this is a love letter, I'm flattered, but no." He said.

"Ew." She gagged. "No. Gross. It's not for you at all. I need you to send it to your father. Don't read it, just send it."


"It's a plea for Buckbeak's life."

"What makes you think my father will agree?"

"It's heartfelt. I'm sure it could melt a heart even as stone cold as his." She said, monotonously.

"Why shouldn't I read it?"

"It's private. And if anyone under the age of eighteen tries to open it, there'll be consequences. You remember what my hexes are like."

"Why should I send it?"

"I could always tell the entire school about how Hermione punched you."

"Fine." He snatched the envelope. "I'll send it."

"Thanks." She smiled and left, heading to her Herbology class.

Her reply came in the form of an angry and disappointed potions teacher who held her back after her class ended the day after.
"Let me read this out to you, shall I? To Mr Malfoy. I am writing to see if I can't change your mind about your stance on Buckbeak's fate. I know you received a visit from a Mr Thorgills Griffiths over a year ago and that he instructed you to slip of a certain book into the possession of a Weasley girl. I also know that you messed up and gave it to the wrong sister. Don't ask me how I know this, just know that I do and that I have proof. I hope you change your stance and let an innocent life go free. Your son is fine and had been fine moments after the incident involving the hippogriff. To cut short a bright life is tragic, wouldn't you agree? Sincerely, Alex Weasley." He slammed the letter on his desk. "What were you thinking?"

"I was thinking-"

"No, see that's where you're wrong because clearly you were not thinking. Because you are too smart to make such an obvious mistake."

"It wasn't a mistake, and I'd do it again. I'm trying to save Buckbeak and with the entire board in Malfoy's pocket, this is all I have. Either this or stealing Buckbeak, and letting him free into the forest which I can't do because they'd blame it on Hagrid and have an excuse to imprison him."

"You can't save everything."

"Shouldn't you be proud? This whole political way is the Slytherin way, isn't it?"

"It's the dangerous way." He said.

"No it's not."

"No? You signed your name?"

"Only because he could find out it was me by asking Draco. I had Draco send it for me."


"Because then I'd know he'd actually open it."

"This is your life you're gambling. What if he goes to Griffiths and asks what's so special about you?"

"He had one job and he totally botched it. There's no way he's getting trusted with sensitive information before he's actually back."

"Alex, this is not a game."

"I know, but I can't just let them kill Buckbeak." She said. "It's not fair."

"Sometimes that's the way something goes. And risking your life in such an obvious way is more Gryffindor than Slytherin."

"Well excuse me for being Hufflepuff." She sighed.

"I want you to lay low for the next few weeks." He told her. She frowned. "Am I clear?"

"Yes sir." She said.

"Go on then, to your next class."

"Yes sir." She repeated and he shook his head slightly.

After getting lunch in the hospital wing, Alex rushed to the kitchens to get some meat for the dragon. She lugged it out to the grove and up the side of the cave and set it on the roof before jumping off and taking a seat a few metres away. She hadn't done this in a while, usually opting to leave the meat on the roof and leaving, so she doubted the dragon would let her stay. Still, she could wait a few minutes, and if the dragon refused to eat, she would leave.

To her surprise, almost immediately after smelling her lunch, the dragon flew down onto the roof. She studied Alex for a while before tearing into the meat and finishing it in one bite.
"Oh." Alex said. "Would you like bigger portions?"

This is enough. Alex jumped with a start at the unfamiliar sound in her mind.

"Holy- was that? Did you just-?" Alex asked flabbergasted.

Yes. Came the dragon's reply.

"This- oh wow. This is amazing. How is this possible? Dragons can't speak."

I believe you mortals call it telepathy. My kind is gifted with this ability.

"Your kind? As in all dragons or just your breed?"

I suppose you'd call us a breed. I'm the last of my clan.

"How long have you been here?"

Longer than I can bring myself to imagine.

"Who chained you?"

The only name I've cared to remember during this whole existence was my own.

"What is your name?"

I was called Saphira.

"That's a beautiful name." Alex said. "I'm Alex. The girls that you usually see with me are Hermione, Luna and Laila. Hermione's the one you see most often with me. The fair haired one is Luna and the dark haired one is Laila." Saphira tried to fly closer only for the chain on her leg to stop her. Alex stood and climbed the side of the roof.

You're brave. The dragon sounded both impressed and amused.

"I'm not really." Alex said. "May I see your chain?"

You may. Alex stepped to the chain, grabbing it, checking its strength.

"There's a lot of magic imbued in this." She said. "I suppose there'd have to be the keep you chained." She followed the chain back and back all the way to where it was fixed into the ground. "It's runic magic." She said. "This is the symbol for heat and this is protection. This one is the symbol for ice. If I'm reading this right, it means it's totally impervious to heat. In fact, more than that, it absorbs heat and it strengthens the magic. Shouldn't it snap off in the winter?" She frowned.

It's always warm here. Saphira answered.

"There's more underneath." Alex said. "I don't know this language. It's not runic, but I think it's hieroglyphs. I'll write it down and ask around. There could be a curse on the chain."

You plan on helping me?

"I have a brother who works with dragons. He lives on a reserve. You might not have your clan, but there will be dragons. You'd be taken care of and helped, if you agree. You won't be chained or locked away, and you'd be away from here. You'd be protected."

Other dragons?

"Yes. You'd be fed and have a place to call home. I'll tell Charlie you're independent as well, so you might get more freedom. There are cruel people in the world who think of dragon hunting as a sport. The reserve would keep you safe from poachers."

I think I should like that.

A/N- Any Eragon fans? I had to name her Saphira, the movie was way too good and had way too much of an impact on my childhood.

Saphira is pronounced Sa-fee-ra. In case you're wondering Oop, x. Hope you enjoyed xx

Alex Weasley: Book 3Where stories live. Discover now