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The next morning, Alex left the forest half an hour before breakfast. She got to the great hall before any of her roommates.
"Did you have to stay out all night?" Emiko asked, looking annoyed and worried at the same time.


"Why? Where did you go?"

"I'll tell you later." She said, before turning back to Maxine who was handing out the third years' timetables.

"Your schedule looks heavy." Maxine commented.

"Some independent studying?" Alex tried and the prefect smiled before moving on.

Care of magical creatures was amazing. Hagrid introduced them to a hippogriff named Buckbeak. When Hagrid asked for a volunteer to ride him, Emiko was more than happy to step forward. She'd really missed the storm petrels back home. The entire class watched as Emiko expertly handled the hippogriff, veering him through loops and dives before making a stop in front of the class. Alex had a turn next and soon half the class lined up behind her.

The Hufflepuffs had potions next with the Ravenclaws. Emiko joined the fourth years for that. She'd only been with the third years for care of magical creatures because Mahoutokoro didn't offer the course there and she had to start anew.
"You're with me." Megan stated as she plopped into the seat next to Alex. They currently had potions.

"Since I have no choice..." Alex trailed off, looking at the girl next to her.

"You don't, unless you'd like to get stuck with a Ravenclaw. Hannah's with Susan. Charlie's with Leanne and Ernie's terrified you'll threaten to jinx him again."

"There are other Hufflepuffs."

"They're all too afraid of you too." Alex rolled her eyes.

"Why can't you be more like them?"

"I'm sorry if I don't think someone who looks after baby unicorns is frightening." Alex glared at her friend.

"Keep your voice down."

"Relax, no one heard."

"And let's try to keep it that way."

"How did you get here so quick, by the way? I'm pretty sure you were still putting on your robes when I left, and I definitely didn't see you overtake me."

"Maybe you need to get your eyes checked."

"Deep breaths, Megan." Charlie took the seat on the table near the duo. Megan was looking frustrated, the way she always did when she talked to Alex. Alex smirked. "Stop that. You really should stop annoying her so much."

"It's too much fun."

"Not for me." Megan glared.

"It's fun for me." Alex amended. "You always look like you either want to punch me or throttle me."

"You shouldn't be enjoying that."

"Do you know what the problem with you two is?" Charlie asked. They looked at her. "You're too similar."

"I'm nothing like Miss I-keep-secrets-about-precious-magical-animals."

"Merlin's beard, Megan. Will you get over that already?"

"No, I don't think I will."

"See? You never get along because neither of you will back down from a confrontation and you both have to be right all the time."

"I don't have to be right all the time." They said in unison before turning to each other aghast.

"Like I said. Way too similar. It's why you butt heads more often than not."

Alex Weasley: Book 3Where stories live. Discover now