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Alex followed the map she was projecting in her head and managed to end up in front of a golden door. She breathed out in awe.
"This is it, H. Helga's hall."

"Helga's hall? Helga Hufflepuff? She had a hall? You're kidding." Hermione turned to her friend in shock.

"I'm not kidding."

"When did you find this place?"

"Just now. I was in the vanishing room and trying to find some way to annoy Cedric for his birthday anonymously tomorrow and the book directed me here and you found me on my way."

"Alex, this is amazing."

"We can't tell anyone just yet."

"Why not?" She gasped suddenly. "Wait. Slytherin had a chamber and Hufflepuff had a hall. Did Ravenclaw have anything?"

"Yes, a study. And we will tell, eventually. But I think there's a reason Hogwarts hasn't shown these to anyone yet." Hermione sighed but nodded.


"Ready to go in?" Hermione brightened up and she and Alex pushed open the huge doors at the same time. Almost immediately a huge chandelier above them illuminated.

The hall was gigantic. The girls slowly turned around taking everything in. "Are you seeing what I'm seeing?" Hermione asked.

"I hope so, because oh wow!"

"It looks beautiful. I never want to leave."

"Me neither. And probably no one will ever find us so we don't have to worry about being disturbed."

"Alex, look." Hermione was sprinting a few feet to a beanbag chair. "This did not exist a thousand years ago!"

"Magic, H. Maybe it's designed to bring comfort to anyone who finds their way here." Alex said, half shouting as she walked to the other end of the room where there was a desk. It was more obviously where Slytherin hung out- decorated with green and silver. Once she eventually reached it, she took a seat on the chair. It was far more comfortable than anything she'd ever sat on. There were sheets of parchment and a quill before her. She opened a drawer and found a bundle of journals. "Hermione!" She called. The gryffindor looked up and Alex held up a journal. Hermione began jogging over as Alex began to read. "It starts on his 16th birthday. Hermione, these were gifts from Helga Hufflepuff!"

"Wait wait." Hermione called and continued jogging until she reached Alex. "Okay, I want to read those too."

"Take turns reading out loud?" Alex asked and Hermione nodded.

"You first."

Alex and Hermione read the first three journals. The chair Alex sat in was large enough for the both of them, or it stretched to fit them- whichever the reason, they were both able to sit comfortably for the three hours.
"Okay, we have to stop or we'll miss dinner."

"But I still don't know how to embarrass Cedric tomorrow."

"You're a genius, you'll figure it out."

"I guess." Alex's eyes fell on a small hot air balloon model. She reached over and picked it up.

"Alex, I get it. Slytherin was super smart and way ahead of his time, and maybe he wasn't the evil monster everyone thinks. Or maybe he was- we don't know everything yet. But we got to go."

"No, wait. I have an idea." Alex said. "I know what to do to Cedric."

"Okay great. Now let's go! You need to eat. Have you even had any lunch?"

"Yes?" Alex tried.

"One day I'm going to ask you if you've eaten and you won't lie to me. Maybe not today, but one day." Hermione said and Alex hung her head sheepishly.

"I don't get hungry like you. I just- I can't eat as much as you."

"I'm not asking you to. I just want you to try to build your appetite back up. Eat a portion of food every mealtime. It doesn't have to be a whole plate. Just enough that is healthy for you." Hermione looked so earnest that Alex had to sigh and nod.


"Thank you." Hermione said and with that they both headed to the hall.

Alex sat down at the table, and made a conscious effort to eat a good portion. Maybe she could even try not throwing it all up. Hermione was just looking out for her, after all. And after everything she put Hermione through, she should probably try a little harder. She could do that for Hermione.
"Are you okay over there?" Charlie broke her out of her thoughts. "I've never seen anyone concentrate so hard on their plate."

"I'm fine, thanks." Alex said bringing a forkful of shepherd's pie to her mouth. She smiled when she swallowed it and moved her fork to break off another piece. It didn't convince her friends.

"If you don't like it, you can have something else. Right now, you look like you're physically forcing yourself to enjoy it." Megan told her.

"I'm not!" She said defensively. "I like shepherd's pie. See?" She shovelled some more into her mouth.

"Just don't throw up." Megan said and turned back to her own plate, clearly not believing her.

"Will you come back to the dorms tonight?" Emiko asked and Alex nodded.

"Yeah, probably."


"I don't know why you complain when I don't return. Just means one less person you have to share with."

"Just because I've grown up with my own room, it doesn't mean I hate sharing a dormitory." Emiko groaned.

"You can be very particular." Alex teased, effectively switching the subject.

"She's very infuriating." Megan told Emiko. "I get it, trust me."

"Hermione warned me. Said you're supposed to just ignore her."

"Easier said than done." Megan agreed.

"No one said you had to interact with me." Alex shrugged.

Alex Weasley: Book 3Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora