Chapter 37

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The ten of them arrived at a deserted stretch, and by the way the two wizards ahead them dressed, Ophelia could tell that they were wizards.

"Morning, Basil," Mr. Weasley said, handing over the portkey to the wizard in the kilt.

"Hello there, Arthur," Basil replied tiredly. "We've been here all'd better get out of the way, we've got a big party coming in from the Black Forest at five-fifteen. Hang on, I'll find your campsite...Weasley..." he peered at the list in his hand. "About a quarter of mile's walk—first field you come to. Mr. Roberts. "Diggory...second field...ask for Mr. Payne."

"Thanks Basil," Mr. Weasley said cheerfully, and everyone followed him. Ophelia was now more excited than tired, having reunited with Cedric and the thought of going to the Quidditch World Cup.

"See you at the game!" Ophelia hugged Harry and the twins goodbye, waving to the rest as she followed the Diggorys further down to their campsite.

"Morning!" Mr. Diggory greeted the man at the doorway.


"Would you be Mr. Payne?"

"Yes, I would," said Mr. Payne—he was a muggle. "And who're you?"

"Diggory—one tent would do, booked a couple days ago?"

"Aye," the man said,  checking the list on the door. "Just the one night?"


"You'll be paying now?" Mr. Payne asked.

Mr. Diggory nodded, reaching into his pocket to pull out a roll of No-maj money from his pockets. He looked a bit confused, peeling the money apart and peering at it through his glasses. 

"You think your dad might need some help?" Ophelia whispered to Cedric.

Cedric looked at her in surprise. "You know how to use muggle currency? Aren't you a pureblood?"

Ophelia rolled her eyes and approached Mr. Diggory, who seemed to be having lots of trouble figuring out which was which. "Mr. Diggory, if I may..." she offered.

"Oh—yes! Please do," Mr. Diggory said, handing the money to her.

Ophelia looked at the price written in sloppy handwriting on the board behind the counter, counted the notes and handed it to the No maj with a smile, hoping he didn't ask questions about why Mr. Diggory didn't know how to count money.

"You foreign?" Mr. Payne asked nosily as he rummaged through the tin can for some change. "Everyone today seems to be having trouble with money," he continued. "Roberts from the first campsite told me a little earlier today that two tried to pay him with these huge gold coins."

"Hmm..." Ophelia faked confused "That's odd."

"Never been this crowded either," Ophelia groaned mentally—he just couldn't drop it, could he? "So many pre-bookings—odd indeed, people usually just turn up...never had to prepare so many tents...looks like they all know each other too, by the way they're they're gathering for cult meeting or something..."

"I'm sure that's what it is—some weirdos gathering around...hope we don't bump into any." Ophelia played along. "Well, it was a pleasure meeting you, but we must get going now!" 

"Yes...yes...good day."

"How do you know how to use muggle currency?" Cedric asked curiously as they continued up the misty field and through the long rows of tents. 

"Americans aren't as uncultured as you European pureblood lot." Ophelia laughed at the pointed look Cedric sent her way.

"Thank you!" Amos Diggory said with a bright smile. "My son picked a smart girl."

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