Chapter Five

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Troye's P.O.V.

"Have you seen the new girl?" Louise asked. I shook my head. "Guess!"

We're currently at the school's cafeteria and everyone's talking about the new girl. "Ummm, is she a blonde?" I guessed. She said 'no'. "Is she slim? Is she normal?" She just shook her head. "Gosh! Tell me already. I'm tired of guessing," I sound defeated.

 "Fine, whatever, she looks pretty but not as pretty as me. But, she's getting the boys attention. Pfft, attention whores. Anyway, her name is Gia," she said. 

Gia. That familiar name. It's too familiar. Could she be that Gia? Oh shit. This can't be that Gia! "Is it Gia Huntrance?!" I shouted. Everyone heard and looked at me but this one girl caught my attention. She was a brunette and she wore a red long-sleeved sweater and pale blue denim jeans. It's her!

She walked towards me with a smirky grin. I started getting nervous and tried looking for an escape. But, I was too late. "Troye! I've been looking for you!" She clapped her hands in excitement. 

"What the hell are you doing here?!" I yelled. She chuckled. "Silly Troye, I would never leave you babe. Remember us? We still can be 'us'," she replied. Fuck no!

"Who's she Troye?" Connor asked, with a hint of anger in his tone. He probably hated her for calling me babe. "Oh, I'm Gia. I'm Troye's girlfriend-" 

"Ex-crazy-fucking-girlfriend who can't leave me alone!" 

"Troye oh Troye, you're so dumb. You wanted us to have a child, remember?" She asked with hopeful eyes. At this moment, everyone in the cafeteria gathered around us in a circle and started listening deeply to our conversation.

"I didn't want to! You drugged me and forced me to have sex with you but lucky my dad was there to kick you out!" I shouted. She just smiled and laughed while the crowd around us gasped.

"We will fucking have a baby, bitch! You better not run away!" She sounded moody. One moment she's sweet and angelic, now she's a devil. Can't believe she moved here to just talk to me! Can she mess with other people's life? Not mine! 

I turned around and pushed everyone out of my way. I can't deal with her. She drugged me! She wanted a child with me! What the hell! 

  I only need my Connie Frannie.

I dragged Connor along with me. I pushed him into a classroom and I locked the door. "Who the fuck was that creep?!" Connor asked. "My crazy ex. She's never going to stop!" I cried out. I slammed the desk as I tried to calm down. 

I used to love her. She was the best I've ever had. Ever since I started hanging with her, she pushed all my friends away and claimed me as hers. One night, I asked her if I could break up since she's basically trying to ruin my friendship with my other friends. She freaked out and started getting pills and shoving it down my throat. She forced me to have sex with her but I refused. Luckily it was in my house. My dad heard and barged through the door. He took her and threw her out of the house and told her to never come back. But... she's back and I'm scared if she's going to kill me this time. She had... a history with boys, I just found out after dumping her. I should've known she's a psychopath.

"Troye, stop crying, it's hurting me," Connor said. He wrapped his arms around me as I cried out more. I had enough of her. But she's back here and I can't stand it! I want to rip her head off and shove it in her fucking vajayjay! 

"I'm going to change school." It's for the best! I can't study under these conditions! 

"To where?! You can't just leave school! We're in the second semester already! You can't! You just can't. Leave me..." This time, he was crying. 

"I thought I'm finally away from her and now she's back. You think I'm going to survive studying under the same roof with her for my whole highschool life? Fuck no! I need to get away!"

"Troye, if you leave, then... I don't know! I just don't want you to leave!" 

"I just want to be happy! I don't care if you don't want me to! But studying with her-"

"What you boys doing here?" A male teacher asked. "Get to class!" 

 I nodded and pushed Connor out of my way as I head to the door. He stopped me and pleaded me not to leave but I will and I'm not regretting that. I left him by the door as I head back to the cafeteria to get my bag.  

"Troye, you okay?" Louise asked as she handed my bag. I'm obviously not fucking okay! "Yeah, I'm fine."

"Fine isn't okay Troye! I'm always here. You can talk to me about that bitch anytime," she said. I laughed and hugged her. "I just... hate her so much. She's the devil's prostitute." 

"Anyways, stop being sappy and let's head to class! Zoe has something to tell us." I nodded and we were off to class.


Finally, school time now finished and I head out of class. Today, Connor kept eyeing me throughout the whole periods but I just ignored. He can't stop me from changing my mind. No one can. Also, Zoella announced to everyone that she and Alfie are official. They're so cute!

While in my thoughts, I accidentally bumped into someone's chest. "Sorry," I muttered. I looked up and it was Connor. Ugh, not now. I tried passing by him but he kept blocking. "What the eff! Scram!"

"Make me," he demanded. I tried running for it but he stopped me again. "You can't run away Troye, you can't change school!" 

"But I can and I will! Now move please! We're going to miss the bus!" I tried shoving him but he's too strong. "MOVE PLEASE!" I shouted. Everyone in the hallway looked at me with shocked expression. Was I that loud? 

Connor grabbed me and shoved me into the bathroom and he locked the door. "We're going to be late asshole!" I slapped him. "Slapping doesn't help. And who cares if we're late? We can take a ride from my father anyway!" 

"Connor, I'm moving and that's final." He grabbed me and roughly crushing his lips on mine. He slowly moved his arms under my shirt while still kissing me. He pinched my nipple and I started getting turned on. 

"Fuck me please!" I mumbled while still kissing him. He pulled away from the kiss and smiled. "Only, if you don't move."

"Fuck. You. Connor." I pushed him away and unlocked the door. I should've not kissed him. He's so smart into tricking me. I ran as fast as I could so that he couldn't stop me. But guess what? He did.

"Stop it Connor! I'm moving! Why the fuck do you care?!" I shouted.

"Because you're my boyfriend." 

I felt guilt all over my body. Oops, I've been a bad boyfriend. "I-I'm s-sorry, it's just that she's here a-and I can't d-do much!" My legs started trembling and Connor hugged me so that I wouldn't fall.

"Troye, you aren't a bad boyfriend. You over-react a lot. Just remember, changing will not help. She might as well change with you. But you've got me and I love you no matter what," he said which brought tears to my eyes even more. "That's why I love you." He smiled and hugged me tighter.

"Okay boys, let's go back home and then you can have sex," Connor's dad interrupted us. "Sometimes I question you, dad," Connor contemplated, earning a few chuckles from his dad. Connor kissed me and locked our hands together. We walked to the car with a bright smile on both of our faces.

Maybe I can live with her, as long as I have Connor with me. I need to watch out for her. God knows what she's up to and I'm willing to find out.


Sorry for not updating! Here's another chapters :3 Thanks for reading.

Dedicated to @TronnorIsMyLife 

Go follow! Great stories and has been a great supporter. I love ya :')

Watch the Tronnor video for more feels ^-^ Thanks to the youtuber who created that. <3 Your vid touched my heart. :)

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