Chapter 13

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TRIGGER WARNING!!! Mentions of child rape

Benny, Crowley, and Jack were all lounging in the library enjoying some small talk. Jack was immersed in Benny's stories of all the places he'd been, with Benny adding little anecdotes of the misadventures he'd had throughout his nearly 400 years. Jack laughed so hard at their stories that the poor Nephilim was going to have a six-pack.

The group was trying to stay quiet as to not wake the lightly-sleeping angels and hunters. And Rowena.

Suddenly, Crowley felt a weird sensation fill the air. It felt like...a spell. They were the only ones awake from what Crowley knew, so who could have cast it, and why?

While Crowley was refilling his glass to think, he saw faint movement behind Benny, who was busy trying to quiet down Jack.

When he realized what it was, Crowley dropped his glass and yelled, "DOWN!" Benny immediately dropped to the ground, trusting that Crowley wasn't messing with him, and Crowley threw his hand out, hurling the figure across the room and into the nearest wall.

Benny jumped to his feet at the sound of a machete dropping to the hardwood floor.

Jack and Crowley were standing on either side of Benny. "Are you ok, Benny?" Jack asked gripping onto his uncle's arm.

Benny reached across and ruffled Jack's hair to comfort him "I'm ok, buddy. I'm ok."

As that was happening and Crowley was sure that Benny was truly ok, he turned around and snapped his spilled drink out of existence.

Finally, the group looked at the main event for the night. Where he was struggling against the force holding him against the wall, John Winchester was glaring at the group as if they'd tried to kill him.

Dean came running into the library. "What the hell is going on in here?"

"Well, the human garbage over there came at Benny with this," Crowley explained, picking up and showing Dean the machete John Winchester had tried to use to decapitate the vampire. When he saw that Dean was in a state of shock, Crowley disintegrated the machete, letting its ashes fall to the ground.

"What in the hell were you thinking?" Dean nearly yelled at John, trying to stay quiet enough not to wake the rest of his family.

"I was thinking that if I killed the abomination, vamp, the witch, and the demon, then it would be easier to kill the angels. Then, I could try and reverse the brainwashing they'd done on you."

Dean sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. Crowley snapped up a glass of whiskey and handed it over. When Dean immediately downed it, Crowley refilled it. This was going to be a long night.

"How many times do I have to say that we're not brainwashed. They are our friends. Our family. We love them."

"That's what you think. They're just using you. They'll toss you aside when they don't need you-"

"Like you did?" Dean cut him off. He couldn't believe that John thought that he would buy that bullcrap.

"Come on, son. I'm your father. Don't you trust me?" John was reduced to begging. Begging. How far the mighty have fallen.

"I might've at one point, long ago. But not anymore. You were never my father. Bobby was. You were never Sam's father. I was. You didn't raise us, I did." When he felt the tears start to spill down his face, he turned away to wipe them away.

"You left us, all the time. You never left us with enough money for the number of weeks you were gone. I barely ate to make sure Sam had at least three meals a day."

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