Chapter 6 Open Your Heart

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We try to get back into some sort of normal routine for the rest of the day and Loki insisted on making dinner on his own so I could relax and chill. So I ended up on the sofa talking to Tony on the phone and reassuring him that I am ok. He was alarmed about it all and extremely worried but happy that Loki saved me and was more than grateful. I think he is even starting to like him but I guess we will see when he is back at the end of the week.

Once I had finished the call, we had dinner before we sat down on the sofa and got engrossed into the brilliant workings which is Doctor Who. Both of us finally able to relax after the drama of today and yet even with Killian on the loose, all I can think about is Loki. Everything I love about him and how my feelings just keep growing but I can't be with him even if he does like me back. I'm blind and I doubt it could work even if we tried. It breaks my heart but I know it's true. I'm blind and nothing can change that. But something else is on my mind.

He hasn't opened up to me yet and really I don't know much about him. Yes I know his hobbies and bits of his childhood and everything else. But he hasn't told me about how he got here in the first place. I hope one day he does open up but what if he doesn't trust me enough to tell me about it, could we even be together? Even if I wasn't blind? Maybe if I tell him about my accident, he might open up to me? And yet even if anything happens between us, he needs a friend to talk to.

"Are you alright?" Loki asks me, "You seem tense."

I force a smile, "Yeah I was just thinking."

"About what?"

I look at him, "My accident."

He nods his head, "I see... if you don't mind me asking, what happened exactly? How did you lose your sight? Sorry, I shouldn't have asked."

"It's ok, I want you to know what happened," Then I begin to explain, hoping this brings us closer, "At the time, I was working with a handful of scientists on a possible serum that would make super soldiers like Steve. But we were not using Gamma radiations and being careful, considering what happened to Bruce and we were making headway. And then I was betrayed."

Loki speaks up, "Betrayed?"

I nod, "One of the scientists decided to fiddle with the serum, using a mix of very harmful and deadly radiation. The serum reacted badly and it began spurting chemical everywhere. Off course they panicked and ran, sealing the lab and trying to contain the radiation. But in the commotion, I was knocked to the ground and pinned by a table and multiple bits of lab equipment and debris. I couldn't move. I was stuck." I take a breath, "I was too close to the serum. It exploded and it got me in the eyes as well as burned certain parts of my body. I was rushed to hospital and the burns they treated easy enough but I was blind. There was nothing they could do to repair the damage to my eyes."

"That's horrible." He whispers, "I'm so sorry that happened to you."

I force a smile, "It's ok. I survived and the scientists were locked up so I got a bit of justice... it was just one moment that I felt completely powerless."

With that, I stop talking and I can tell that Loki is thinking about everything I said. Digesting it all and I wait patiently, looking at him the best I can but with these lines it's hard to tell what he is thinking. In the end he sits up and looks at me, a bit tense I think. I wonder what he is thinking.

"You are trying to get me to open up?" He asks me and I know I am busted.

I nod, smiling sheepishly, "You have been here for me, saving me and making me feel better about myself. I want to repay the favour and you mean a lot to me. So talk to me, I won't judge, no matter what it is." He doesnt respond, "Sorry, I didn't mean to overstep. You don't have to... sorry."

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