Why Choose Me?

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(One month later)

You walked down the street hand in hand as you entered the movie theatre. You both looked at the movie collections.

T: So which movie do you want to see?
"Well let's see your not into romance...that much...I don't really like horror movies so we can watch an action movie."

You were mainly talking to yourself when Thor suggested something.

T: Well we can pick a movie we've already seen before and know it's bad then in the back of the theatre we can make out.
"Oh my...Thor."
T: What?

You both laughed a bit as you kept on looking.

"Ooh! There is an amazing movie that I've been dying to see."
T: What is it?
"Jumanji two."
T: I don't know...
"It has the same actors Dewan Jonson and Keven Heart in it."
T: I'll get the tickets you get the popcorn.

You felt a little tug on your jacket as you saw a little kid. You bent down to make sure that they were okay.

"Hello little one."
Kid: Hi where's the bathroom I have to pee!
"Oh my! This way."

You lead them towards the bathroom and you brought them back to their parents. They then afterwards apologized as you excepted their apology. You walked over to Thor as he looked at you popcorn and two soda's in his hand.

T: What was that about?
"Oh some kid didn't know where the bathroom was and I showed them where. You ready to go?"
T: Oh yeah.

The two of you walked inside and got the middle seats in the middle row. People came in after you as the movie started Thor glanced over towards you as you took a piece of popcorn. He smiled then looked back at the screen. They were really coming up to this day in age thanks to Tessa. He's going to have to thank her about it later. Thor was smiling as you both held hands. The two of you whispered back and forth as both of you continued looking at the screen.

T: Y/n...
T: You look gorgeous tonight...
"Thank you...And you do know you don't have to hold my hand right?"
T: You kidding? I get to brag to all of these dim bats who is the luckiest.
"Let me guess that's you?"
T: Sure is.
"Well there are better ways handsome."

You leaned on his shoulder as his head leaned on yours. This was a fantasy that came true, he was so glad that it did. Would he had make few changes? Of course he would! But, not to you. Since you two had cotton up in New York the first time, you've only seen him wear a sweater. Except that wonderful amazing night a month ago. But he didn't want you too see him ever again, not until he got fit anyway. He just didn't want to risk losing you. He lost you once he's never going to lose you ever again.

"I love you..."
T: I love you too milady...

At the end of the night Thor walked you home as he did the two of you talked about the movie about your favourite senses. And what you both think would happen next. When you got to the steps of your house you kissed him goodbye. Thor watching you go inside, as you stopped and you turned around facing him.

"Do you want to come in for a coffee? I have decaf."
T: Uh... 'Oh my god! What do I do!? Okay don't panic!' I should get going home it's late...but I'll call you tomorrow.
"Ok sweet. Goodnight."

You closed the door as you started to shake your head. Hanging up your jacket and taking off your shoes you spoke to no one.

"He doesn't even know the first thing about women does he?"

Thor was walking himself home as he rubbed his forehead. His other hand was on the inside of his pocket as he got frustrated with himself.

T: Coffee...Coffee you know what means...man I'm an idiot...

A Chubby Thor x Chubby Reader storyWhere stories live. Discover now