God Of Thunder Vs Professor Jackson

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(2 Months Later/Thor's Point of View)
(Eight months and three weeks since you got together).

When I woke up and felt the heat of the sunlight from my window on my skin. Warming my body up I slowly woke up and opened my eyes. I sighed as I looked to my left seeing (y/n) sound asleep next to me. She was laying down on her right her face towards me. I smiled I moved some of her hair out of that gorgeous face of hers. Gods she all ways looked so beautiful in the morning. My hand started tracing her arm slowly. I moved my hand slowly up and down her shoulder wanting to stay this way for a little longer. I began to lightly kiss her forehead then sat up on my bed. When I did I felt arms wrapping around me and feeling her nuzzling my back.

"Don't go...."

I lightly smiled placing my hand on top of hers. She makes the day feel perfect just by saying that. Knowing that she wants me around even if she's half asleep. It felt nice being appreciated.

"Please don't go..."

I turned around as she hugged me from the front now. I lift her chin up towards me so I could look at her.

T: Never milady...

I kissed her on the forehead then on the lips. She was always scared that I'd just up and leave like her father did. I was shocked when I figured it out but I could never do that. Not to her. I felt y/n kiss me back her hands on my shoulders as my hands moved to her hips pulling her in. We laid back down on the bed with me over top of her. Breaking the kiss for air I placed my forehead on hers.

T: I love you Milady...
"I love you too Thor..."

Yeah...she does love me. I don't know why but she does? But even if I don't get it, even if I make a mistake even if I don't think I'm enough. She still holds me in her arms and says I love you. And honestly just getting to stand next to her as her boyfriend is enough for me.

(Your Point of view/Next Day)

It's been a couple of rough months for us. And I just knew that Thor still didn't quite believe me whenever I told him that I loved him. It did hurt that he didn't believe me yet. But dealing with metal harm is going to take time to heal. I know that some people say I that date him because I pity him. Or because he was a king and I was a gold digger, which wasn't true in the slightest. I love Thor and I couldn't care less of his crown or of his weight. Actually I'm a little pleased to say that I'm not a queen. Too much pressure but if it meant that me and Thor could be with one another I would sign up to be a queen. Honestly to me he's the most handsomest guy I have ever met. And I loved him for who he is, and for how he looks and if people could just see that. Then Thor wouldn't think that he wasn't enough for me. When he thought that I'd leave him all because of his looks. I cried for an hour straight. I would and couldn't do that to Thor he's my boyfriend and my best friend. I'll love him even if he was an alien from outer space. Whenever you care for someone you do whatever you can to make them feel loved and cared about. And I was going to do anything in my power to make sure at the end of the day. That Thor feels the love I feel for him and that I care about him, and that he's the most important person to me in the universe. We were getting dressed as I looked at him putting on the blue sweater I made him and lightly smiled. Today was Sunday so it was going to be a pretty chill day. Thor, Miek, and Korg were going to hangout and play fortnight. Me and Thor had made a deal that Thor would play video games every other day if he wanted to. But he only plays on Sunday, says he wants to spend the week with me. I sat on Thor's lap as he played I gave him a kiss on the cheek he smiled and looked at me. Kissing me lightly on the lips. Then going back to his video game and I watched him play. Leaning up against his chest honestly I was really intrigued by the game.

Korg: Thor it's the kid on the screen, he's back he just called me a retard again!
"Wait is that, that Noobmaster kid you keep talking about?"
T: Yeah I am so sick of this.
"Give it here I'll talk to him."

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