Bullet 18: Aftermath...

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The License Exams end with everyone instantly going to a billboard trying to spot their names in the ranking...

Midoriya and some others saw their names and received their Hero Licenses...

Though some didn't and would later join the newly added Remedial Course...

Haruto, Sherren, Elizabeth, Shoichi, and Dan managed to pass in between ranks of 30-40...

Haruto and the others got their cards and saw what they named themselves...

"The Wolf Hero: Kamen Rider Vulcan"

"The Lightning Fast Hero: Kamen Rider Valkyrie"

"The Long Range Scorpion Hero: Kamen Rider Horobi"

"The Brawling Hopper Hero: Kamen Rider Ichi-Gata"

"The Elemental Hunting Hero: Gaia"

Haruto: "Gaia...?"

Sherren: "What? It's a cool name right?"

Haruto: "Isn't that the name of your Quirk?"

Sherren: "Yeah it is, why...?"

Haruto: "Nothing..."

Elizabeth: "It's actually a pretty good name..."

Sherren: "Thanks!"

Dan: "So that's the RaidRiser that You've been working on..."

Shouichi: "It's actually pretty handy, to be honest..."

Elizabeth: "Yup!"

Dan: "It's still shocks me, that Sherren doesn't need to go through the Surgery to be able to transform..."

Sherren: "What do you mean Surgery?"

Haruto: "You need a chip to be implanted in your brain to operate and be identified as a user of the Rider System..."

Elizabeth: "Though I can assure you that these are perfectly safe without the Surgery..."

Sherren: "Whew...Safe..."

Haruto: "But doesn't this mean that if everyone can use them, then the villains could get ahold of them...?"

Elizabeth: "That is true, but I am designing a system, so that if it attacks a known felon with serious charges that you would be permitted to attack them..."

Elizabeth: "But if you are attacking a person with no criminal charged or any hostile movements that you would change back almost immediately..."

Sherren: "Woah, Cool!"

Haruto: "She is and always has been cool..."

Elizabeth then blushes at that comment causing Dan, Sherren, and Shouichi to laugh!

Then after a long walk from the exam location, everyone parted ways...

Haruto, Sherren, and Elizabeth soon returned to the dorms and were reunited with the others along with Mark and Phillip!

Everyone rejoiced for the ones who passed and tried to motivate those who initially didn't pass and would encourage them for the remedial test...

And at that point, everyone was happy as most of them passed with a few exceptions!

Everyone was celebrating as most people have gotten acceptance letters for the Real Internship application...

As Kirishima got accepted to Fat Gum's agency and Midoriya to Nighteye's, everyone was already planning ahead on which agency that they want to join...

But Haruto and the others were told that it was compulsory to join this one Agency...

-The Kamen Rider Agency-

Where all of the members and supervisors are Kamen Riders...

A few names on the list of supervisors were Uncle Hidari Shotaro, Phillip, and Terui Ryu which earned a sigh of relief knowing that there were people that they knew...

Some names that they don't recognize were:

Keisuke Nago

Arata Kagami

Amatsu Gai 

A/N: I know that Gai is a total dick in the TV Show but I want to redeem his character, so there might be some changes...

Makoto Hikawa

Date Akira

Ren Akiyama

Shinji Kido

Mutsuki Kamijo

Kisaragi Gentaro

Ryusei Sakuta

Shijima Gou

Hiiro Kagami

Taiga Hanaya

Kujo Kiriya

Emu Hojo

Takatora Kureshima

Gentoku Himuro

Kazumi Sawatari

Kiryu Sento

Banjo Ryuga

To be honest, most of them never heard of them at all, so the only person they knew was only Uncle Shotaro, Phillip, and Terui...

A/N: I know that there were more  Veteran Legend Riders that were more or less working for the government, but I wanted to consider the endings of their own stories, so I couldn't choose Garren because he died at the end of Blade and others like that...

A/N: By the way, I was thinking if I could get some OCs up in here for the main group which is Haruto, Elizabeth, Sherren, Shouichi, and Dan...

So these are what you need to fill for the OC:

Though Please keep the Riders scientific or connected to the Government, that's why I didn't add Hibiki or some of the other Riders...

Real name: (Please put the name for each of the other criteria, so I know who's who...)

Rider Form: (Depends if it is a completely original Rider or pre-existing and no "Zero One" I want this to be about Haruto as Vulcan)

A/N: If it is completely original DM me and We'll discuss about the character and their powers...

Appearance (Optional):



Vehicle or Rider Vehicle (Optional):

A/N: I'm thinking of getting either 1 to 4 OCs, so please don't get mad if yours isn't chosen...

A/N: By Either 1 to 4, I meant that I could choose only one or two or three to four OCs and I think Four OCs and new Riders are already enough considering that I already have four Riders and some Raiders...

A/N: Until then, ADIEU~!

Chapter Ends...

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