Chapter 11: In Which Their Date Gets Crashed

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"Look out!"

Micheal spun around when a high-pitched noise rang out, side-stepping just in time to avoid being hit in the stomach with the metal disk as it flew past him. Edward grabbed his arm, steadying him.

"You ok?" Micheal nodded, eyes widening when three more metal disks flew out from the darkness. He grabbed Edward and ran out of the path of two of the disks, the third slamming into his stomach and throwing him back with a grunt. Where the heck were they coming from?

"Micheal!" Edward shouted, running to him. Another disk shot out as he did so, coming right for Edward. Oh no.

"Move!" Micheal yelled. Edward turned just in time to see the disk before it smashed into his head, throwing him to the ground. Micheal got up and ran to the man, who's face was scrunched up in pain, groaning, a gash on his forehead.

"Edward! Hold on, don't move."

"Thought was s'pposed to move," Edward mumbled, cracking his eyes open, which looked dazed, his pupils dilated. Micheal winced. Definitely a concussion. He picked Edward up quickly, needing to get him out of here and away from whoever was attacking them, only getting as far as the sidewalk before another disk shot out at his chest. He blocked with his free arm, grunting as it pushed him backward, his feet digging into the asphalt as he skidded across the street. He knocked the disk away and held Edward up bridal-style as he ran down the street, hair blowing wildly as he did so. He couldn't use his powers until he had his suit on, otherwise his identity would be compromised. He ran into one of the alleyways, making sure it was clear before laying Edward gently against the brick wall next to the dumpster, out of sight.

"I'll be right back, I promise. I'm going to... go get help." Edward reached out, looking like he was about to argue, but they didn't have time for that so, guiltily, Micheal ignored him and climbed up the fire escape, running over the rooftops to his home. He just hoped he could get his suit and take this person out quickly so he could get back to Edward and help him.

Aw man, his head was killing him. Not surprising after getting conked in the head with a metal frisbee, but still. He stood and leaned against the wall, vision a bit fuzzy. Thank goodness for his hard head, if it was anyone else they would have been knocked into a coma. Still hurt like crap, though. Fists clenched Edward thought about his situation. He couldn't just go and blast it up, since that would kind of give away his secret identity, so what was left? Well, he was good at fighting, could run pretty fast, and had 20/20 vision. Great, so he could punch whoever was behind this, run for his life, and see the frisbee coming before it hit him. Good plan. He groaned. Well, if he couldn't fight then maybe he could at least find Micheal and make sure he didn't get himself hurt since he decided to run off looking for help. The guy just couldn't stop playing hero, could he? First, he swoops in to save the day against Damian, and now this? He peeked out of the alley when he heard a mechanical whirring sound echo down the street, spotting the person behind it with a groan. It was another resident villain, a woman who called herself Manakel. She had the ability to control certain metals and typically used her power to play fun games of 'collapse the building full of civilians' or 'cause a horrible car accident'. She was trouble, basically, and not an easy gal to take down. Between her superpower and the metal suit she wore, it would prove difficult to defeat her even for NightHawk. Speaking of the hero, he'd just jumped down onto the street and looked very mad.

"Well, there's our hero! Knew you'd show up sooner or later. You find the little boys I played with?" Little boys? Now that was just rude. NightHawk's eyes darkened and he ran at Manakel, dodging her metal disks as he did so and trying to get in close. It was one of Manakel's weaknesses, close combat. She'd expected this though, and sent a rope of metal out at NIghtHawk's booted feet, forcing him to move to the side or else trip. That was new. Manakel laughed maniacally as she used the metal rope as a whip, lashing it at the hero and nearly striking him in the chest. Edward scowled. There had to be something he could do!

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