Chapter 17: Another Day, Another Failed Attempt At A Bank Robbery

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Edward was floating on air this whole past week, simply unable to wipe the stupid smile off his face as his thought's continuously lingered on Micheal. Their anniversary had been amazing, and then the time they spent together for Halloween had been just as great. Even his family loved Micheal, and they'd not stopped telling him how happy they were that he found someone. Pam had been all knowing-looks and friendly jabs, but she'd also been equally as happy. Everything was just going... really well. He pulled down his mask and hiked up his boots, fastening a green cape around his shoulder with a little laugh, knowing full-well how mad NightHawk would be when he saw it. The little quirk of hating clashing colors was one of many things Antennes enjoyed about the hero, but he was in a relationship now, so his little man-crush (yes, he finally admitted he had a crush on the hero. Get over it) would have to take a back seat. Still, he'd never skip an opportunity to push the hero's buttons, so green cape it was! He hadn't done much villain work lately and was beginning to feel restless, so he decided to do something light; Just a simple bank robbery, in and out. He'd just finished his shift at work, so it was almost dinner time. That just meant that this should go even smoother.

"Alright, you know what to do, people!" The trembling civilians all moved to the back of the room and sat quietly while the tellers gathered the cash, piling it into a bag neatly. They were nearly finished when a loud crash brought down the entrance wall of the bank, glass tinkling to the ground like rain as another villain entered the scene. Antennes groaned. You had to be kidding. It was a villain Antennes had seen a few times in passing, a guy who called himself Radiex. Don't even ask Antennes to explain the villain's name to you because he had no idea. Stupid villain name aside, this guy was powerful, in the same league as Manakel, and had a tendency to cause trouble even to other villains. He also loved causing damage to people and things alike. Heaving a sigh, Antennes turned to him with arms crossed.

"What do you think you're doing here?" Radiex smirked smugly, his purple eyes glittering with malice.

"Just thought I'd drop in and join the party! Hey, why the trembling? 'Fraid I'm gonna hurt ya?" Radiex taunted, turning his attention to the back of the room where the civilians were sitting. Antennes narrowed his eyes and flailed his hands.

"Uh, hey, I'm talking to you, bub! This is a party of one, actually, so if you don't mind–" Radiex smiled wolfishly, a smile that kind of reminded Antennes of Damian, and his hands lit up with purple plasma.

"That so? Better get rid'a you quick, then." The man rocketed forward as he launched a large blast of plasma at Antennes' chest. Antennes managed to avoid the blast by hitting it with an explosion of his own, but Radiex still crashed hard into him, throwing him back into the wall. Civilians cried out in fear as he grunted, the wall cracking behind him and leaving an Antennes-shaped dent. He growled, smoke beginning to trail from his fingertips as he punched Radiex in the face, pushing him back. Gods this guy was obnoxious. Why had he decided to rob a bank again? It never went well, you'd think he'd learn by now. Radiex was far from being down, wiping his mouth with his smile still firmly in place.

"Not bad! Not great either, but you're a lot stronger than you look. Guess I'm gonna have fun after all." He ran again, two plasma blasts firing rapid speed at Antennes' head. He moved out of the way just as quickly, a fiery kick and punch aimed at Radiex's torso. The kick didn't make contact but the punches did, blowing the black-and-purple-suited villain out of the destroyed glass front of the building and onto the street, asphalt cracking beneath him. He was up and rearing to go within seconds, but so was Antennes, who ran out of the bank and launched an explosive blast at Radiex's feet. It blew the other villain back a good few feet, landing him on top of some poor suckers car. Ouch, hope they had insurance. Radiex glared at Antennes, his smile finally beginning to fade. Antennes smirked.

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