Chapter 14: Blenders and Sporks

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"Psst, Mike! Hello~" Micheal groaned, clicking away on his laptop and ignoring Carla as she peeked into his cubical for the fifth time in the past hour. She'd been demanding to know when she would get a chance to meet Edward and Pam, saying that it wasn't fair that Pam had got to meet him and yet she hadn't met Edward, saying that Pam sounds like a lot of fun and that it would be great if they could meet, we should schedule something, are you–

"–Listening to me?"

"Carla, I'm about to smash my head into the keyboard. For the love of the Gods, what?"


"When can you meet Pam and Edward? Look, I'll talk to Edward about setting something up on, I don't know, Friday or whatever, ok?! Just stop asking about it and let me work!" Carla grinned.

"I was going to ask when your report would be finished, but great! I'll hold you to it." And she sat back, typing something on her computer as Micheal stared blankly after her. Great. Just great.

"You WHAT?" Micheal winced as Edward gaped at him, a bowl of brownie batter in one hand. Edward had invited Micheal over, asking if he wanted to help try out a new recipe Edward had seen in the cookbook Micheal had given him, and Micheal had agreed eagerly. He'd never say no to brownies. While there, he'd sort of brought up the whole Pam-and-Carla-meeting-on-Friday thing that he'd promised Carla, and, well, Edward was a bit... terrified.

"It's not that I don't want them to meet, and it's not that I don't want to meet Carla, cause I do. But, after hearing about the spork incident, I'm just a little worried about them getting along too well." The 'spork incident', as it had been dubbed, had happened a few years ago when someone had tried stealing Carla's purse. Long story short, she'd used nothing more than a spork to not only stop the guy who'd tried stealing from her but to scare him so badly he begged the police to arrest him just so he could get away from her. Micheal shivered at the thought of Pam and Carla joining forces and becoming so powerful that the entire world would bow down to them, using blenders and sporks to strike fear in people's hearts. As ridiculous as it might sound, it was completely plausible because while they had their differences, the similarities between them were frightening.

"It's like putting a... a T-rex and a Utahraptor together, who decide to become best friends for life. It's a bad idea! They're too powerful together!" Edward ranted, placing the bowl into the new mixer and turning it on. Micheal quirked a brow at the comparison.

"...Have you been watching National Geographic again?"

"Psh, no. Maybe. Whatever, it doesn't matter! Point is, I think it's fine for them to meet up, lets just be careful about it. No sporks, no blenders, just a quick meet-up. Ok?" Micheal nodded, they could do that.

"Yeah, simple meet-up. Nice and safe." How hard could that be?

Why, why did he keep jinxing himself? Carla was currently practicing a 'menacing glare' in her bathroom mirror, which she said she was going to use on Edward when she first met him.

"Carla, please don't do that. I don't need you scaring him away." Carla scoffed, rolling her eyes.

"If he's really devoted to you then it should take a lot more than a scary best friend to run him off." Micheal sighed, giving up. It was pointless to argue with her. He crossed his fingers, praying that the restaurant they were going to didn't have any sporks. The week went by mostly normal, Antennes showing up once with a green cape hooked around his shoulder's (NightHawk had rolled his eyes at that. Seriously, the man had horrible taste in cape colors! His suit was black and red for the Gods sake!) and they fought a bit. He'd pinned the villain to the ground, glowing green eyes meeting simmering orange, and they'd grappled. The fight ended the same way it always did, with Antennes managing to run off and disappear without a trace. Other than that, things had been pretty normal and had given Micheal plenty of time to think about all of the things that could go wrong on Friday. He felt bad; He knew Carla was a great person and that she wouldn't deliberately hurt his chances with Edward, but he couldn't help feeling a bit nervous. He was nervous about meeting Pam, too, officially anyway. They technically had met, but they didn't talk much to one another, so Micheal felt it didn't count. Friday came around slowly, Micheal waking up and starting the day like usual. He'd made some toast, gotten dressed for work, had a cup of water, texted good morning to Edward; He felt pretty good! Traffic wasn't bad either and he found himself sitting at his desk feeling refreshed and ready to tackle the day. Carla came in a few minutes later, and the workday went normally, Carla clearly excited for the night.

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