Chapter 13: Ugh, This Guy

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It turned out that Edward did, indeed, want to go out with Micheal again. Obviously. It was now the beginning of October and Edward was proud to say that they'd been dating for a little over a month. New record! Most of his past relationships didn't last over two weeks (two very miserable weeks), but the same could not be said for him and Micheal. It had been one of the best month's Edward ever had, and he didn't care how sappy that was, people would just have to deal with it because it was true. A few days after the whole Manakel thing Micheal had come up and told Edward that he would understand if he didn't want to go out with him again, which was completely ridiculous, so much so that Edward had actually doubled over in laughter.

"Are you kidding? I'm not gonna dump you over that! Just don't run off again." Micheal nodded, looking dumbstruck, and that had been that. The next three weeks they had continued to date, making sure not to be out too late at night or in secluded areas in hopes of avoiding another villain encounter. It had worked pretty well, they only got cornered by a small-time villain once and Edward had promptly punched them in the mouth, much to Micheal's amusement. Lunch dates, coffee dates at the cafe Pam worked at, shopping, bike rides, walks around the city; Edward sighed dreamily. Yeah, things were good. There was only one problem; He wasn't sure what to do for their one month anniversary. Should he get Micheal a gift? What kind? Should he take him out to a nice restaurant? Maybe he could make dinner himself and invite Micheal over, that might be nice! He hummed. When in doubt, call Pam.

Note to self: Do NOT call Pam when in doubt.

"AWWWW! Your one month anniversary? That's so CUTE!" He winced, pulling the phone from his ear as she squealed.

"It's not that cute, Pam." He said.

"Yes, it is! Ok, let me think. Does he like flowers?"

"Yeah, sunflowers, but I don't want to just get flowers and nothing else."

"Well of course not, get him flowers and take him to dinner." Edward nodded.

"Ok. Where should we go? It should be somewhere nice." Over the phone he could hear Pam furiously typing on her computer, probably looking up the nicest restaurants she could think of.

"Try going to La Perle Blanche, it's perfect! Fancy, but not like tuxedo fancy. Just wear some nice clothes and a tie."

"I don't have a tie." Pam made an excited noise.

"Tie shopping then!" He sighed exasperatedly.

Edward pulled down his mask over his eyes and hiked up his red boots, fastening his orange cape and smirking to himself. If he was going to take Micheal somewhere as expensive as La Perle Blanche (and boy was it expensive), he was gonna need some cash. Working as a waiter only got you so far, definitely not far enough for a restaurant like that, so there was only one thing left to do; Steal from crooks and muggers. Hey, they stole it first, and what do you think they're doing with it? Buying weapons and drugs and stuff, probably. At least he'd be putting the money to good use. He poked around the back allies in search of a perfect pick, finding a couple an hour a later. Two real greasy looking guys that exuded an air of weaselness. Perfect. They were rifling through a purse, one that they'd clearly just stolen, and Edward watched them for a moment before clearing his throat in annoyance. They both jumped up to their feet, one of them clumsily pulling out a switchblade. Oh, he was scared now. Yawn. Couldn't they have more interesting weapons? Imagine if they just whipped out, like, a flamethrower or something. That'd be cool!

"Hey, fella's, mind if I take that?" He pointed at the purse. They scowled, looking as intimidating as newborn kittens. It was kind of adorable, in a greasy weasely way.

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