Chapter 12: Caution: Concussion's Hurt

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Oh man did his head hurt. It throbbed in time with his heartbeat, pulsing and painful, and it felt like his head was about to crack in two. Not to mention the gash stung as sweat and dirt got into it, adding to his discomfort. As if that wasn't bad enough the world had decided to do the waltz around him after he'd jumped out of the way of Manakel's spear; Apparently running around and throwing himself to the ground multiple times while he already had a concussion had made things worse, who knew? Now he was being hauled down the street by NightHawk, who looked a bit banged up himself, and Micheal was nowhere to be seen. Had NightHawk already told him where Micheal was? Was he ok? Edward really couldn't remember that well, to be honest.

"So where'd Micheal go, 'gain?" He asked, voice slurring together. Man, his words would not come out right. It was like his tongue weighed 80 pounds. NightHawk glanced at him worriedly. Oh, maybe he had already asked that question.

"He's safe, don't worry. Let's focus on you for right now. How many fingers am I holding up?" NightHawk held up a hand in front of Edward's face. Pshh, easy.

"Four." He said confidently. NightHawk nodded to himself. Ok, good, so he'd been correct.

"Ok, that's good at least. Do you know your name? Where you are?"

"Uh, Edward Maes, 'nd were on... 1st Avenue." The hero nodded again.

"Good! So a mild concussion at least. You had me worried."

"Heh, got a thick skull. S' what my friend says."

"Well consider me thankful for that." No kidding.

NightHawk brought Edward to the hospital where the nurse promised to take good care of him, and he wished Edward luck and told him that Micheal would be there soon. With no small amount of guilt the hero left, ran to his house, and took off his suit before leaving again. Why did their dates always go wrong one way or another?! The first date had technically gone well, but it had started rocky with Damian. Their second date Micheal had forgotten to ask where Edward wanted to go and nearly passed out after the hot sauce thing, and now this! This was definitely the worst by far. Edward could have been killed! It was a miracle he hadn't been hurt worse, though Micheal was beyond grateful. What's more, Edward must have thought that Micheal had ditched him on top of everything else! He sighed, he'd have to find a way to make it up to Edward, but first he'd be there for him now. When he got to the room where Edward was the doctor was finishing stitching up his forehead, the cut on his thigh already wrapped. The man brightened when Micheal walked in.

"There y'are! Are you ok? What happened?" Edward asked, taking in some of the bumps and bruises on Micheal's face.

"I'm fine. Edward, I'm so sorry I ran off. I promise I was coming back, but I got, uh, caught by NightHawk, and by the time I got back to the street the fight was over, and you were already gone so then I ran here–"

"Woah, s' ok. I knew you'd come back, s' why I was worried when I didn' see you." Micheal hung his head.

"Still, I'm sorry. How're you feeling?" Micheal winced. "Never mind, stupid question to ask while you're getting stitches." Yeah, nice going Mike. The doctor stepped back.

"Look's good. You're safe to rest and get plenty of it. Take it easy the rest of the week, alright?" Edward nodded slowly. The doctor nodded at Micheal as he left, and the two were alone. Edward started to get up, holding onto the bed for support, and Micheal lent him a hand.


"Don't mention it. Is Pam going to pick you up?"

"Yeah. She'll be here soon. She was not happy to hear I got myself knocked in the head." He laughed.

Apparently 'not happy' meant 'seething with anger' as Pam drove to Edward's house, Micheal sitting with hunched shoulders in the backseat as Pam had insisted she drive him as well since she was 'already there'. She hadn't said much to Micheal, anything actually, and had focused more on asking how Edward was feeling before beginning to chew him out like a mom lecturing their unruly child.

"I can't believe you would just run out there like that! Just– What exactly was your plan? Were you trying to get killed? I mean seriously! You have the thought process of a goldfish! No- scratch that- a GOLDFISH could have sat down and made a better decision than you did tonight."

"Goldfish don' sit?" Micheal just barely stopped himself from laughing at that as Pam groaned loudly, glaring at Edward when she stopped at a red light.

"You are the most– I can't believe– How have I not pulled out every last strand of my hair with you?" Edward just shrugged, laying back against the seat with a small frown. Pam huffed but stopped yelling. They arrived shortly after that, Edward shuffling inside slowly. Pam turned to Micheal, looking drained, hands on the steering wheel.

"So where do you live?" Micheal shook his head.

"I can walk, you don't have to drive me."

"Oh no, you aren't walking anywhere. I already have that guy to worry about, I don't need you too."

"It's already late, I don't want you to be out all night." Pam sighed.

"Then just stay here for the night. It's what I'm doing so I can keep an eye on Ed." Micheal considered it, nodding.

"Ok... thanks." Pam shrugged.

"Hey, it's Ed's house, we're just crashing here." Micheal followed Pam into Edward's house, feeling a bit awkward. He'd only been here once, and he hadn't gone inside. It felt a bit weird doing so without Edward being the one to invite him in. Pam locked the door.

"You can take the couch. I'll get you a pillow and blanket."

"Where will you sleep?"

"There's a spare bedroom." Ah. Pam grabbed him the pillow and blanket as promised, throwing them down on the couch. Edward grinned.


"No problem. It's nice to meet you, by the way."

"Oh, you too. Wish it was under better circumstances." Pam chuckled.

"You and me both, buddy." Pam left to bed after that, and Micheal laid down, staring up at the dark ceiling while thought's of Manakel, Edward, and the word boyfriend flitted through his head, drifting off to sleep slowly. Wow, what a night. He just hoped Edward would still want to go out with him again after all this.

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