Chapter 16: Love and Nightmares

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Micheal sighed contently as he lay on his couch, a wide smile plastered firmly on his face. He couldn't stop thinking about everything that had happened last week during Halloween; Sharing scary stories with Edward, Carla, and Pam, meeting Edward's family, the hayride, and the pumpkin patch– His face heated as he thought once again about how Edward had lifted up that huge pumpkin like it was nothing. He'd also managed to get a new companion out of the trip. He glanced down to where the small black kitten was curled up on his legs, sleeping peacefully. He laughed as he thought about how he'd come across the cat, remembering how it had chased him and Edward's siblings through the cornfield at the family farm and scared the living daylights out of them all. He had yet to name the cat, and Carla and Pam were all too eager to 'help' out by coming up with random names. 

"You could name her Sinister." Carla had offered. Micheal scrunched his nose.

"Uh, no, I'm not naming her that. There's nothing sinister about her!" Pam jumped up excitedly.

"Oh, oh, what about tickles?" 

"Tickles." Carla deadpanned. Pam nodded.

"Yeah, it's cute!" Micheal had sighed, shaking his head and thanking them for trying. He told them he'd just keep thinking about it, but he still hadn't settled on anything. Nothing seemed to fit, and he wanted to pick a good name. Thinking about the cat caused his mind to wander back to Edward, something that had been happening more and more lately, and the realization he'd made while on the hayride with him. Sitting there in the chill of autumn, surrounded by the beautiful aspens and falling leaves, staring at one another as they held hands tightly, Micheal very suddenly realized that he didn't just really like Edward, he... He loved him. It was a bit startling at first, but he quickly came to terms with the fact that yes indeed, he loved Edward Maes. He loved listening to him talk, and watching him move, and being with him, and everything else that came with the man. He even loved Edward's family, who had all been beyond kind and welcoming to him, treating him like their own. He hadn't told anyone about this realization, not even Carla, and he wasn't sure how to tell Edward. What if Edward didn't feel the same? Micheal knew that Edward definitely liked him, but love? That was a different story. Micheal didn't want to mess this up, so he decided not to say anything until the time was right. He had work in the morning and the rest of his week would be pretty busy, especially since he had hero work to do, but he and Edward were already planning to hang out at Micheal's house and just relax on the weekend, so he'd use that knowledge to push through the week. Smiling softly Micheal drifted off to sleep.

It was dark, the street looking unwelcoming as it stretched ahead of him. The night was oddly warm and sticky, making his shirt cling to his back uncomfortably as he walked. Why was he walking? Where was he going? Micheal wasn't sure, he just kept going. The buildings sped past in a blur and he realized he was running, footsteps slamming loudly behind him. He had to run, it was coming, he couldn't let it get him!

"Help me! Someone, help!" He shouted, voice raspy. The world twisted and distorted sickeningly, and he stopped as he nearly crashed into a building. He was at a dead end. No. No no no nononono this couldn't be happening he had to– Had to– He was on his stomach, hands pressing harshly into his back as he flailed uselessly. Let him go! Let him up! He– He couldn't–! The hands pressed harder, the world twisting like he was on some sort of horrible ride. Someone yelled as the city burned around him, yet he felt colder than ever. The shadows taunted him, laughing shrilly as the flames consumed the world.

"GAH!" Micheal sat up in a cold sweat, gasping for breath as he looked around frantically. He wasn't in his room, where was he?! He sucked in a rattling breath as he realized he was on the couch. He could feel the fabric under his trembling fingers, the glow from the TV lighting the room up softly. The kitten, who'd run away when he'd yelled, sat on the floor and stared at him innocently. He wiped a hand down his face, cursing himself. He'd thought he was over these nightmares by now. He grabbed his phone, hesitating before shooting Carla a simple text- Can't sleep. He felt bad texting her so late at night, but she'd made him promise that he do so if he needed to talk, no matter what. His phone dinged a minute later.

-'Nightmare?' He sighed.

-'Yeah. Sorry for waking you, just got freaked out.'

-'Don't worry about it. You ok?' 

-'I'm fine, just going to watch some TV for a while. See you at work.' He threw his phone onto the table with a large sigh, turning on a reality show and trying his best to focus on the pointless drama. Gods, he was so sick of these nightmares. He should be over it by now. Shaken, Micheal only managed to lightly doze as he watched TV for the rest of the night, pulling himself up with a groan an hour before he'd normally get up for work. He ate a light breakfast before going to get washed up, setting out food and water for the cat, and making a large cup of coffee before heading out the door and into his car. As he drove down the street, he never noticed the figure watching him from across the road.

"Mike, you look like crap," Carla said as soon as she saw Micheal. 

"Hello to you, too." She rolled her eyes, hands on her hips as she glared down at him.

"I'm serious. Did you get any sleep last night?" He shrugged.

"Some, before the nightmare. After that, I couldn't." She sighed, gazing at him for a moment longer before nodding.

"What was it about?" 

"You know, the usual. I thought they were gone now..." She patted his shoulder firmly.

"Hey, it's ok, no big deal. You gonna be good to work today?" He nodded, giving her a thin smile.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Don't worry about me." She laughed, going to sit down in her cubical.

"You wish, bud. Now get to work."

"Ma'am yes ma'am," He said teasingly, turning and clacking away at his computer. One day at a time, Mike. One day at a time.

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