Chapter Nine: GrapeJuice

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I sighed, leaning back in my chair, my hands supporting my head as I stared at the mess I called my sensei. I ran my fingers through my curly locks, I really should straighten my hair, it looks childish curly, doesn't it?

"Watcha doing kid?" A voice spoke, you would think it was from a stranger by now, but no it was Kira, the idiot was sat on my desk infront of everyone, not that they noticed, which surprisingly was very stupid.

"I'm trying to study, to away." I told the man, seeming as I have some common sense , I glance behind me, Minrou's seat was unusually empty, it made me worry, "Unless you are going to help me work then just stop pestering me."

"I'm not supposed to help you dumbass," He grunted, reaching out and prodding my cheek, elaborating how squishy it was, "You work for me? Remember?!"

I shook my head, I wasn't sure how the class hasn't noticed us yet, but it really didn't matter, "I haven't agreed to anything Kira, so get that dildo out of your ass before I-"

"Izuku-" I could feel my body jolt, my previously seated posture was layed spread across the cold, hard floor, ahead of me was Kirishima, Sero and Ojiro, the boys were stood back as Mineta shook me awake.

"Hm? Oh sorry-" I told them, sitting up, and glancing towards my desk, Kira wasn't there; it was annoying how stupid a single guy could act, he was kicking Katsuki, taking money from momo and slipping it into Ochakos bag, and im pretty sure he earlier rubbed iida's engine, and now he just disappears?

Eijiro smiled gently, as he usually does, "It's fine bro! Just be more careful class ended a while ago." I didn't give him a response, just a subtle, and rather awkward, pair of finger guns.

Fuck my social life.


"So what happened in there Izuku?" Minoru asked, the pro's were called in on a mission , so our lessons were cancelled, and we were sent back to our dorms, my dear friend decided to check on me.

"It was just, Kira.." I mumbled, tucking my legs up into my chest, I'm not sure what is going on with me, at times I'm confident and quirky, and then when I'm not that, I'm just useless and sad.

Mineta hummed lightly, "I'm guessing he still wants you to convert?" He queried , lightly running his fingers over his denim jacket, the item surprisingly showing a variant of pride, and lgbtq+ promotions, which made me smile.

"Yeah, I might do it.." I mumbled , leaning my head back against the bed board, "I mean, what are the pro heroes even doing for us? When I was told to kill myself in middle school, nobody, not even a teacher turned their head. When we were attacked multiple times by villains, not one teacher asked us if we were okay mentally."

The grape head nodded, "Not to mention half of the pro heroes discriminate against quirkless people, and anyone overly different, it's disgusting! Not once while I have acted like a pervert, have they scolded me in any way, it's like they know I'm trying to prove them wrong, it's dumb!"

I can't even tell you how emotional that sentence in itself made me, "I was quirkless once, funny story actually.." I confessed, my tear stained cheeks tainting red from embarrassment.

Mineta glanced up at me, confused, "But you aren't anymore?"
I shook my head, "All might gave me his quirk, I kinda reject taking it, because he is so overbearing sometimes, it's like he expects so much from me, and I can't keep up with that."

I thought he was going to call me rude names once he found this out, but surprisingly he didn't, "My grandmother was quirkless, she died during allmights first hero mission, they never tell you about the people they can't save, it's annoying. I don't think All might has a right to teach you how to be a hero, he's made so many mistakes it's just stupid, like I get that everyone makes mistakes, but he has accidentally killed innocents before, and then covered it up as a villain attack, it's just wrong!"

It wasn't very often I agreed with people, but at this point, my respect for the guy was through the roof, "I know right! I only found out about the people that were killed a few months ago, because of a news post that showed up on my herogram page. How can you justify discrimination and murder like that? I'm so glad I sold all my merchandise, I would be throwing up every time I walked into my bedroom."

Mineta sat up on my bed, pulling a notebook off of my nightstand and flicking through it, "These are good evaluations.." He muttered, putting the book down , reaching into his pocket and grabbing a rusty piece of paper.

 "Is this?-" I asked the boy, looking at his grinning face, the glint of knowledge hiding within his eyes

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"Is this?-" I asked the boy, looking at his grinning face, the glint of knowledge hiding within his eyes.

" I want to help you become a vigilante. "

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