Chapter 10: No?

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(The music I listened too as I wrote the rest of the chapter. Everything till Boo is Tox's. -Yup)

My eyes widened at the boys statement, how could he, someone so small, so unwanted by society, know what he wants to do.

"Well that's just ridiculous, no, just no." I told him, running a hand through my hair, glancing down and the purple headed male.

Mineta furrowed his eyebrows, "What do you mean no? You are going to do it aren't you? Why not accept the extra help." It was clear the boy was confused to say the least, but alas, my answer was settled.

"You worked hard to get into this school, I am not letting you throw it away that quickly." I spoke, directing my eyes away from his, trying to make him take the hint.

Mineta scoffed, "And what is the point in that? I'm gonna grow up to be what now? Another corrupt hero? If I leave, I am not leaving anyone behind, infact I have a better chance out there than I do in here."

I sighed, "Fine, but, can you at least think this through a bit more before you decide? If your gonna do this, you better be doing this with no regrets. Okay?"

(Boo! -Yup)

"Okay okay, I'll think about it a bit, happy?" Mineta agreed, nodding his head frantically, his purple balls bobbing around."Very." I replied, "But do you mind telling me why you'd even want to help me?"

He started to speak, "Why is this even a question? Ugh, because your you! You've got the heart of a hero, and I'd rather help someone like that, then be the person that only saves others for the fame and money."

"Hmm, okay. Then I guess I should probably introduce you to Kira, if he ever shows up..." I spoke, huffing out of pure agitation.

"Is that the guy who saved you from the rooftop?" Mineta asked.
I take a deep sigh, "Yes. He tends to appear whenever he wants too, jackass."

"I'm glad you think so highly of me Zuzu!" Kira said annoyingly as ever; Mineta, not used to Kira at this point, screamed, "AHH! Damn, give a guy a warning next time will ya?"

Kira responded with, "But where's the fun in that!?" He grinned, turning to raise an eyebrow at Mineta,

"Wait so your gonna help that idiot over there become a vigilante?"

"Ya, got a problem with that?" Mineta said ready to kick someone's ass, Kira took on a dark demeanour, "Actually, I do-" He began, before cutting himself off,

"-not! More the merrier as I like to say!"

I just gave him a deadpan stare and said, "Really? Was that necessary? I mean, like, seriously? I just can't with you sometimes..."

"D-damn, I see w-what you meant Midoriya." Mineta said with a stutter, clearly scared of the idiot.

Kira just wined and said, "Oh come on! Not you too! Don't you people know manners!?" He groaned, " At least have the decency to hire somebody with a polite attitude. "

I rolled my eyes and started to introduce them to each other, not having time for Kira's bullshit. "Mineta Kira, Kira Mineta"

"Nice to meet ya Mr Mini!" Kira said.

Mineta started to talk, "Why is it always the height, anyway, nice to meet you too crackhead. Can't wait to have all of my braincells deteriorate!"

Kira responded with, "That's the spirit! Now, wanna know some secrets about Zuki over there?"

I just gave him a deadpan stare while Mineta seemed to have stars in his eyes. "Really? Why'd ya have to bring that up? How much could you even know about me anyways?" I asked tired from the conversation.

"Well, did you know that All Might trai-" Kira tried to say before I cut him off. "He already knows that." I said.

Kira started up again, "Then what about your obsession over All Mig-" I cut him off again, "Look around dumbass."

It was as if a light in his head went off as he realized where we were, "Well shit, you actually had the balls to get rid of the crap."

Mineta, seemingly in a joking mood said, "What!? HOW AND WHEN DID YOU TAKE MY QUIRK!?" I just felt like passing out at that and Kira, well, he was Kira.

"HAHA! Never mind! I like this guy!" He began rubbing shoulders with Minoru, " At least he has a sense of humor unlike grumpy over here!" Kira said laughing, "Alright, well, if he already knows about those then what about.. Your stalker books?" He started, sooner rather than later grinning with victory .

"Hah! You didn't interrupt me! So I was right!"

"Nope. You said something about being polite earlier so I thought I'd give it a try. Not a fan of it." I said, shrugging my shoulders.

He just stared at me like I've kicked a puppy, "Then what about, um, how you used to play hero with your mom!" With a deadpan stare I said for the hopefully last time, "Who the hell hasn't played that when they were younger?"

"What did you do as a kid? Read books on some website called,Wattpad? Sounds pretty stupid if you ask me. Heck! Did ya write on that site as well!" Mineta said, unintentionally breaking the 4th wall. "Oooh, I bet you wrote smut didn't you?!"

"Um, uh, no..." Kira said obviously lying.

"Oh my goodness. YOU WERE A NERD! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Mineta laughed.

I started to talk, "You all are too much. I'm gonna go sleep."

Damn, that was kinda hard to do. I've never had to take over characters like that. Plus I didn't have any idea on what I was gonna do. Anyway, there's your depression free (Kinda) chapter! I'ma go work on some others now. -Yup

thanks yup ^^ - Eddie

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