Chapter 11: Names

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"Oh no, you can't sleep yet." Kira told me, grabbing me by the scruff of my neck, "Its alright saying your gonna be a vigilante, but we have yet to discuss the real thing."

[Yup (Boo!)] "Ugh, can't I just sleep? I've already lost enough braincells." I grumble, pushing the older male away from me and rubbing my now red neck.

Kira being the asshole he is says this, "HAHA! NOPE! Your gonna have to get used to it hot stuff, cause your gonna be going out a lot at night!"

I just stare at him waiting for it to kill him, "What the hell have I gotten myself into, you would think I'd be done after putting up with katsuki for several years but NO"

"I dunno, but why'd you drag me into this?!" Mineta said.  "I told you that you could just, I dunno, NOT HELP ME!" I exaggerated, widening my eyes at the boy, almost playfully.

Kira - sadly still an being an asshole - continues to say, "Oi oi oi, I don't want you screaming. At least if it's anything but my name~"

I just stare at him like he had kicked a puppy then burned it to ash, "Fine fine fine, anyway, let's get back to the topic at hand. You. Vigilante."

"Yeah yeah, get on with it." I say too tired for my own good.

"You'll need to be in tip top shape! Things like suit design, martial arts, probably some contacts incase things go bad, name, material, and many, many more things."

Kira said with a smugness in his voice. Now, I'm not posh or anything but me being the polite bitch I am, started to speak, "What the ever loving hell does that mean? "

[Edd] Kira sighed, disappointment evident in his face, "It means, you need to square the fuck up, find your vigilante name and get another 5 year old hero costume out from the back of your cupboard incase we need to go undercover and travel across the fucking world. "

Mineta furrowed his eyebrows, "So in other words, we need to train and they an alias?" I nodded, " I think so-"

"You mean you know so, in the world of hero play, you must be one hundred percent certain of your next moves, you must have back ups to back ups, and if those backfire you must have plans, to be honest it's all about the planning."

[(Choo choo!) Yup]

"And you of course, have most of what's gonna happen planned don't you?" I asked. Kira, still being a dumbass, says, "What?"

"I'm not surprised." I said while facepalming, "You lecture me about organizing my future, when you haven't even sorted your own out yet."

My head tilted forwards subtly, I began thinking about Allmight, and his quirk. What would the previous successors think? Was I doing the right thing?  

"Oh be quiet, anyway, we have to get going." Kira said; interrupting my thoughts. Me, realizing I'm talking to a complete dumbass responded with, "Where hell could you possibly have plans?"

"Oh hah hah, well, to answer your question hot stuff. Were gonna go meet some people to help you out. As I've always said, the more info the better!" Kira still being a dumbass smirked.

"I have never once, heard you say that." I snarled, a small frown appearing upon my face. "Oh shut that pretty ass mouth of yours!" Kira chuckled, his childlike attitude starting to annoy me greatly.


"Kira, where the fuck are we?" I asked Kira slightly irritated. As of right now we were on the roof of a building, similar to the one I leaped off of. Kira responded with, "This is where your gonna practice, as well as learn about the city!"

I stared at him for a little bit to be sure that he wasn't joking. When I confirmed that, I just started to walk away. "Hey hey! Don't be like that! It's a total turn off... anyway! We need to get a move on to the meeting place! You'll be traveling via roof." Kira hastily says.

"Fine, but this better be important!" I said irritated.

"Alright, let's get a move on! You've got to make it to the next building ok?" Kira asks me. I only nod and watch him do the jump. It seemed as though he put his feet to the edge of the building pushed off at a 100 degree angle. If I just recreate the same thing as well as putting the height difference into count I should be able to make the jump!
I jumped, I also happened to have a meeting with the wall. It didn't go well.


"Hot stuff, put this on k?" Kira asks me while handing me a full mask for my face and hair, nothing special.

I just put it on while asking, "When's everyone supposed to arrive?" "About... now." Just as Kira had finished four people had showed up, each with there own mask.

The first one, with a gingerbread mask starts to speak inspecting me cautiously, "So this is the guy huh? Doesn't seem like much, but they could always be a bloody fucking legend under the mask."

"BOIS! THIS IS THE GUY WERE GONNA BE HELPING OUT! GOT IT!?" Said a man with a strange blue beast mask. There was one person behind him, he didn't actually have a mask, he just had some funky shades.

"Hey hey, calm down, first who the hell are you people?" I asked a little dumbfounded by all of this.

The gingerbread man said, well, more like yelled, "I'm Beam!"
I looked at the man with the beast mask and asked, "And you are?"

"Beast, and this fella behind me is Chandler , nice to meet ya!" The man now known as beast yelled.

"I had a pretty good dream that I was beating a record to death... Oh! My name! Oh, uh, um, D-dream! Y-ya! Dream!" Dream said completely normal and definitely didn't just make his name on the spot.

I didn't notice this guy before, but he had a white, smiling mask on, so I suppose he was cool.

[Yup] Hope you liked the chapter! I don't really have anything to say... welp! This is your go- looks over to the actual god of the group Tox- d about to speak! Tox, any words? Anyway, this is Yup signing out! I've absolutely never said I was the god of the group. Nope. Starts to run away.

[EDD/tox] AAhjssnjsjs I didn't expect you to ask me to say anything uhm-

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