Chapter 10 || Kill Her With Kindness?

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Chapter 10 || Kill Her With Kindness?

"When will school be over?" Elle groans, dropping her head on our lunch table. "You know, I stayed up till 12 last night to work on 4 assessments that are due next week! I don't think I can live like this. Someone please take me on a vacation."

I smile empathetically at her; knowing exactly where she was coming from. Yesterday, as soon as I arrived home, I was working for hours on end. The teachers had been dumping a lot of homework and assignments on us lately. "I know it's hard, but in 2 weeks, we'll have no assessments or exams to worry about and it'll be easy-breezy."

Elle lifts her head from the table and eyes me for a moment before speaking, "How the hell do you do that?"

"Do what?"

"You know; Be all positive and shit. You must be the only student in our year who is coping with all this work like it's as simple as kindergarten homework."

I just shrug.

Elle thinks for a moment before sighing, "You're just a really positive person," She takes a bite of her sandwich before continuing, "God, you'd think by now some of that positivity would rub off on me."

"You just need to think happy thoughts and focus on the good, I dunno," I shrug and squeeze her shoulder comfortingly, "Enjoy the little things and try not to let the bad things consume your thoughts."

"Okay, Dr. Phil," she rolls her eyes.

"Excuse me," A voice calls from behind, I turn around, surprised to find Amy Williams, Jessica Clinton and Georgia Merrick standing behind me.

In case you didn't know, those three girls are our school's queen-bees; Amy leading the pack. They're feisty, gorgeous and fashion-divas. Every guy wants them, and every girl wants to be them.

"Hello," I smile unsurely. Why were they talking to me? - I've never talked to any of them in my life.

"I'm sorry," she laughs sheepishly, twirling her finger around a strand of her black hair, "I just had to come over here and say this - I know, I'm such a goof - but I just love your beanie!" she compliments. Her smile was genuine and everything about her seemed genuine, yet I was a little unsure. I hate myself for being influenced by a bunch of rumours, but I've heard that Amy isn't exactly the nicest person.

"Oh, thank you so much!" I smile appreciatively, "I've had to wear it lately since this person I'm staying with decided it would be fun to dye my hair green."

She laughs another genuine laugh and I relax a little. She was fine. "Oh yeah! I was in your class when you had to take off the beanie. That teacher was so rude," she scoffs, annoyed, "But the green hair doesn't look too bad. You're very pretty so you can get away with wearing anything."

"Yeah," Georgia pipes up, her gaze flickering over my outfit and back to my face, "Anything."

I raise an eyebrow in amusement and Amy catches Georgia's look, sending the brunette a glare, "Don't be such a bitch, Georgia. Your entire wardrobe is so last season. Bronte's clothes are fine," she turns back to me with a smile as Georgia rolls her eyes, "Excuse her poor manners. She doesn't know when to keep her mouth shut."

"All good," I shrug, my eyes flickering to Georgia as I answer to Amy, "I don't really care what she thinks anyway."

Elle stifles a laugh and Amy's lips wobble a little; almost forming a (proud?) smile. Georgia rolls her eyes at me and sucks on her teeth, annoyed. Meanwhile Jessica just stands there, bored as heck.

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