act 1: A test at the mock battle, edelgard and Dimitri's requests

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Y/n's pov:

I was sleeping without my bandages that cover my eyes, i was dreaming about peaceful life if i had parens who care about me as i turn around my hand grab Something soft and smell a familiar scent which i regonize it well enough.

Y/n: . . . . Hilda why are u in my bed? And Also sorry for touching them without ur permision

Hilda: it's fine really, i was Gonna wake u up cause today Is the mocking battle but seeing u asleep Is just adorable and I'm curious about those bandages, why not at least remove them? - says it while touches the bandages-

Y/n: - i back away from her a bit- were Gonna be late, come on

Hilda: can we wait five More segund please!

Y/n: come - says it while emocionless Tone and exits the room-

- at the mock battle-

Y/n: - wielding a training sword- so how does this match work exactly?

Lorenz: well i happy to answer that in this match Is a battle between the black Eagles, the blue lions and us the Golden deer it's a 5 vs 5 vs 5 and who ever defeats the most of us and other houses wins, do u need Some assist of any questions that-

Claude: long story short, it's a battle Royal team match and who beats the other houses wins

Y/n: oh okay....

Lorenz: Claude how rude of my explanación was perfectly for our new classmate! - says it bit angry -

Claude: come on Lorenz i was just helping and besides both teachers Will be in this sparring match

Y/n: wait seriously?

Lorenz: i forgot to mención that, u see-

Lysithea: yes the teachers are opción like extra points okay? Can we start already?

Lorenz: why does everybody interrupt me when I'm speaking! - Sigh-

Team black eagles:

Team blue lion:

Team Golden deer:

Winning condición:
Defeat the enemies commanders

Defeat condición:
All units are defeated or Y/n fells

Claude: Alright so Here Is my plan, Lets go for cover and wait until one of group Is defeated

Lorenz: really? Same old Claude tactics, and what if they go for us first?

Claude: hmmm well we just defeat them.

Y/n: Raphael how Buff are u?

Raphael: well why u ask? Is it Wanna train to pass the Time?

Y/n: no, try focus on the oponents as decoy with Hilda while Lorenz and Claude Ambush them from behind, i handle there leaders

Claude: hmmm sounds tricky but what choice do we have, lead the way

Raphael: Alright i do my best, Lets do this Hilda!

Hilda: me? But why i have do to the hard part, why not Lorenz?

Y/n: if u do it good i leat u touch my Tail for four segunds, sounds good?

Hilda: . . . . LETS DO IT!- says it motivated-

As i hear footsteps coming towards Raphael and Hilda was Ashe, Ferdinand and Dorothea which attack them and try to strike again and that moment, Claude and Lorenz Ambush them making our first strike

The Deadly Blind Neko ( Malé blind Neko x fire emblem three houses girls harem)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora