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Vansh: YOU ARE WHO?!

Riddhima: I know you are shocked but please don't give me that look, i will explain everything to you if you are willing to listen!

Vansh: Please explain!

Riddhima: I loved you Vansh,  i just didn't love you back then i still love you Vansh, on our marriage day, i started off from my place with my parents in our car, and suddenly the car broke down and kabir found us and told that he will drop us off but instead of dropping us he took me to that waterfalls and pushed me down the cliff and i assume that he even killed my parents! But when i was thrown down the cliff, i somehow got saved by the people passing by and Dev, he was one of the doctor who worked on my case...

Vansh: Then this face?!

Riddhima: In that accident, my face was badly injured they had to do a plastic surgery then this *points at her face* Riddhima was also in accident and there were no chances for her survival so they gave her face to me! And i came back into your life but i was devastated to find out that you hated me more than anyone in this world!

Vansh: I never hated you! I was never able to hate you Arohi!! I always loved you, I was just afraid to accept that you also left me!! And right now i don't know how to react to all of this! My heart and mind both are a chaos right now! Just give me sometime to figure everything out! But for that i can't be here! I will be back after a few hours, stay here and take rest...

Vansh leaves the place...

Riddhima's pov: I know Vansh how you are feeling right now, but i could now just hope that you will understand my position! 

Someone is watching her secretly... after a while Riddhima falls asleep...

SCENE 2: Vansh drives back to the waterfall and sits there for a while 

Vansh's pov: This much has happened and i don't even know how to react, i don't know i am happy, sad, angry, or am i feeling betrayed, i just feel numb! Just when we think we've figured things out, the universe throws us a curve ball. So we have to improvise. We find happiness in unexpected places. We find our way back to the things that matter the most. The universe is funny that way, sometimes it just has a way of making sure we wind up exactly where we belong. I always loved her, that's why though her face was different, i fell for her again, and i think for this life no matter in which form she comes i will always love her! I love her, no matter what! *wipes a tear and rushes towards the car* I love you Riddhima and i am coming for you...

Vansh comes to the farmhouse and rushes towards the room..

Vansh: RIDDHIMA!! Riddhima...where has this girl gone?! Riddhima? *searches for her*

SCENE 3: Riddhima opens her eyes and is shocked to find herself tied to a chair!

Riddhima: Vansh have you done this? How could i be so stupid he could never do this to me! Is anyone there? Who has done this...

Just then a man walks inside, the room...

Riddhima: Stop hiding in the shadows and show yourself!

Kabir comes out..

Riddhima: Kabir?! God, who else could it be? What the hell Kabir! I have given you a second chance, so that you will rectify your mistakes! But what was i expecting from you after all! Why can't you get anything in your head Kabir!

Kabir: Well i got to know your truth! Arohi! Seriously?! Gosh! I didn't see that coming...

Riddhima: So you were also there when i was telling the truth! I see!

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