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"hey you're the girl from yesterday!" you were bombarded right when you entered the gym behind the other two. the tall, light grey, basically white, haired boy stood hovering over you with his wide green eyes.

"woah easy there lev." a chuckle rose from behind said boy, lev. a (much) shorter boy with brown eyes and a kind smile has called out to him and placed a hand onto lev's back. "don't scare the girl, idiot."

"oh, it's okay." you gently stuck your hand out. "my names (l/n) (f/n), call my (y/n)." lev quickly reacts and wraps his hands around yours, shaking yours vigorously.

"the name's lev, nice to meet you!" the other boy knocked him upside the head, making lev turn around with a small glare that quickly phased into a bright smile. 'he's a character.'

"hey, call me yaku." he, yaku said with a small smile. "judging that you walked in with kenma and kuroo you're close with them?"

"not really, we kinda just met yesterday, and i just met kenma today so... let's just say i know them." your (e/c) eyes glanced behind him and saw that they were starting warm ups. "i don't wanna hold you up, i'll let you get going."
you smiled at him and turned to walk towards the door of the gym.

"just stay here (y/n)!" kuroo yelled from the middle of the gym where he laid on the ground doing stretches. "we'll walk you to your class after practice alright!" you didn't speak, you only nodded and turned to go sit where you sat yesterday.


originally, you'd planned on just playing your game and not watching them practice, but seeing how well they moved and whatnot you found yourself watching their practice all the way through.

"got any tips, ace?" kuroo stood next to you.

"ace?" lev's head perked up from where he laid on the ground. "you didn't tell me you were an ace." yaku and the rest of the team had come out of the locker room joining the conversation (or more so just listening to it).

"you didn't ask." you smiled at him. "but former ace, i don't play anymore." you pointed to your knee indicating that was the problem. kenma suddenly slid beside you, switch in hand. just then your phone vibrated in your hoodie. you excused yourself and went to the outside of the gym to answer it. right when you did though, the call had ended and instead you got a text.

i'm coming back next week
clean my room

i'm not cleaning anything
for you and i don't care that
you're coming next week

do it or i'm telling dad

go suck a cow titty
go on and tell your daddy

shut up you're so
dumb you better clean
my room


you were gonna respond, but you decided against it. you leaned against the pole,  head tilted back. you were heated. you wanted to throw your phone. you wanted to claw out his eyes. you wanted-

"hey." a soft voice pulled you from your violent thoughts. you whipped you (h/t) hair to the side and saw the dyed hair boy standing at the doors. you felt yourself calming down just from his tone. "you were out for a bit and... yaku told me to check on you."

"oh, sorry just a phone call... got distracted." your (e/c) eyes glanced down to his console. "how far have you gotten?" you pushed yourself off the pole and repositioned yourself so that you were facing him, but still leaning on the pole.

"oh, i'm pretty far. i'm stuck on this part though." you leaned your chin on his shoulder for a second as you evaluated the screen.

"oh, you just have to do a couple of things, here." you told him how to get past the part he was struggling on. "see, that was all. don't worry i got stuck to." it was silent after that, you just watched him play. he would be lying if he'd say that he was used to people watching him play games. sure kuroo watched him from time to time but kuroo never really knew what was going on, but you did.

"i know we don't talk much but do you wanna play together sometime. you mentioned you played animal crossing right?" you nodded, but kenma already knew. "can we play this afternoon, i'll send you my my nintendo code after school if that's okay."

"yeah, of course let me just get your number?" your tone was more of a questioning tone, nonetheless kenma still nodded as he recited his number to you. you texted him a simple 'hi :)'.  just then kuroo and lev came out of the gym.

"alright kiddos, time for school." he passes both of you before glancing back, "and no games, either of you."

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