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"thanks for coming." you voiced once kenma had walked up to you in the arcade. you were currently playing mappy, an older game that was around way before you were even thought of.

"oh, you were expecting me?" you knew that voice and it wasn't who you thought it had been. you glanced to the side seeing the sly boy. his face, which seemed to permanently be morphed with a smirk, watched as you strategically played throughout the game. "still gaming i see."

"yeah. still playing games." the blonde sighed very audibly as he shifted so that he was leaning on the game machine.


"tsukishima." you were quick to respond to him. "what are you doing here?"

"i could ask you the same." your face morphed into an annoyed, bored one.

"still avoiding answering questions i see... you haven't changed much at all." you mumbled shaking your head as you had accidentally died, but you got the new high score. the music filling the silence.

"come on, don't be like that (n/n)." he shoved his hands into his pockets and turned towards you fully as you finished inputting a name into the machine (for the high score).

"(l/n) or (f/n). you don't get to call me (n/n) anymore." tsukishima looks down and kicks his feet. it was something he always did before apologizing. "look, i'm over it okay. it happened like a year ago."

"oi, is that tsukki?!" you stepped back to see behind him and saw both kuroo and kenma.

"you know (n/n)?" kenma had asked. tsukishima turned back to you for a quick glance at the mention of your nickname coming from the normally quiet dyed haired boy before he turned around and nodded. kuroo through an arm over 'tsukki' and carried him off somewhere else in the arcade.

once they were out of sight you turned to find kenma who was already behind you and waiting for your attention. you smiled at him which he responded to with a small smile himself.

"are you okay?" your head tilted to the left making your curls follow in the motion. why wouldn't you be okay? he'd never asked things like this before... well granted you two just met a week or two ago. who's counting though, right. unless he had heard your conversation or did he know about you and tsukishima.

"i'm cool... why do you ask?"

"it's just..." he seemed to be battling between himself inside his head. his face morphed slightly as he looked through you. "never mind. anyways sorry kuroo came, he had overheard."

"it's fine, i don't mind." a silence fell over the both of you. you were both trying to find something to talk about. eyes avoiding each other, but glanced were secretly thrown around. just when you thought you'd both just sit in silence kenma spoke.

"have you ever played that game over there?" he points to the machine in the back. it was a zombie shooting game, nothing out of the ordinary. nonetheless you nodded. "let's go play it. yeah." he grabbed onto your hoodie covered wrist and started walking towards it. "i hope you don't mind." he notions to his touch.

"no, i actually think it's quite nice."

thank you soooo much for 1k reads !!! i'm very grateful or it here take all my love and kithes <33333333333333
i'm sorry for the slow updates, tbh i never really had a set in stone plan for this story it just came to me, but i'm still working out the kinks and trying to find a plot.

i made this story for my fellow black girls because tjere aren't really any books with poc y/n's and when there are they were very stereotypical (at least the ones i read) so i just decided to do it myself. i'll try to better my writing for you all <333 (enjoy the angel number luv)

again thank you for 1k reads !!! and to those adding these stories to their folders(?) reading lists(?) thank you so much and thank you for the votes <333

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