chapter two

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it was the next morning after the incident with her insane ex and hana was getting ready to leave for work.

yes, work. hana had graduated high school early due to the fact that her parents were no longer with her, so she needed to find a way to make a living for both herself and her older brother whom she lived with.

her brother was older by two years and also worked, getting enough money to live on. however, hana wanted to help out with the money situations.

hana was sitting at her dining table, eating her breakfast when she got a notification on her phone.


hana furrowed her eyebrows at the text, confused at who was texting her.

you must have the wrong
number. my name's hana

oh right

that's what i meant. i
sort of forgot your
name sorry. this is jay

ohh i see. it's fine

*hana saved unknown as jay*
*jay saved unknown as hana*

you really saved me.
saying thank you doesn't
seem like it's enough.
why don't i treat you out?

i'll have to kindly reject
the invitation. a thank
you is more than enough.
i'm just glad i was able to
help out

"ah .." hana muttered, slightly disappointed that she would probably never get to properly thank the boy.

she wrapped up her breakfast and put the dishes in the sink to wash later.

opening the door the leave, hana was shocked when a male body slammed the door wider and pushed her against the wall of her apartment.


"shut up and kiss me," the male demanded.

"no! what!?" hana shouted, "minjun stop!"

it was her ex. again.

"get away from me!" hana exclaimed, wriggling under minjun's strong hold, while he stared at her creepily.

"hey!" a voice exclaimed.

both of them turned towards the door and saw a familiar figure.

it was jay.

realizing that minjun's grip loosened, hana was able to move away. she was going to back up further in the house, but jay's hand was placed on her wrist as he gently pulled her behind him.

"i told you to leave her alone," jay spoke.

"tch," minjun scoffed, "and you expected me to actually listen?"

"look," jay sighed, "it's early in the morning. what are you doing here?"

"i could ask you the same. what are you doing here?"

"did you forget the part where i said i was hana's boyfriend or .." jay questioned.

"just leave minjun," hana spoke, "go."

"if not, we'll report to the cops for a house intrusion and harassment," jay added.

"unbelievable," minjun muttered under his breath before walking past the two, hitting jay's shoulder.

"are you okay?" jay asked once minjun was out of sight, "did he do anything to you?"

hana shook her head with a smile, "i'm okay. thanks to you again."

"where are you going right now?" jay asked.

"work. i work at this café by han river, so a few minutes from here," hana replied.

"do you walk?"

hana nodded.

"let me walk you there. who knows what that dude could do," jay mumbled.

"oh no no. you don't have t—"

"let's go," jay stated.

"well okay then," hana replied.

she locked the door and went on her way to work with jay by her side.

"what were you doing by my apartment?" hana asked.

"ah i apparently live in the apartment next to you," jay explained, "i was leaving to go somewhere and when i walked past, i saw you and him."

"sorry! i didn't mean to look inside your home and be nosy. it was just .. i heard screams so

"it's okay jay," hana chuckled, "why are you apologizing when things with minjun could've escalated and thanks to you, i was saved."

jay smiled while looking to the ground as they continued to walk, enjoying the morning sun.

"uh i'm not like keeping you from doing what you were doing right? like you weren't in a rush to go somewhere right?" hana asked.

"well i am in a bit of a time crunch, but it's fine," jay replied, "they can wait a bit."

"they?" hana asked.

jay nodded, "the membe- boys. the boys. my friends."

"right," hana nodded, chuckling at jay's mix up with his words.

"well this is me," she said once they arrived in front of her work place.

"passion café?" jay questioned, "you work here?"

hana nodded, "i've been working here for quite a while."

"really? i go here almost daily and have never seen you. at least i don't think," jay spoke.

"i have the late shifts," hana spoke.

"ah now that makes sense," jay replied.

"well i'll let you get to work. i've got to get to work myself," jay smiled.

"you work too?" hana asked, receiving a nod, "what do you d—"

"that's for you to find out another day," jay cut off with a smile before running off.

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