chapter four

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the morning went by quickly with many customers coming in the café to order and it was midday when the door to the empty café opened.

the heads of eunbi, andrew, and hana turned to see a large camera crew and a group of boys that were being filmed.

the manager of the café also came out of the back room of the café and greeted the people.

"hana, eunbi, and andrew," manager lee announced, "these are the seven boys of enhypen."

the three of them smiled and bowed at the seven boys that stood in front of them, while their eyes scanned the group.

when their eyes landed on a particular someone, both andrew and eunbi turned wide eyed at hana.

"the boys are going to split into three groups. two groups of two and a group of three. each one of you is in charge of teaching them how to use the equipment and make drinks and food. after, you three will go in the back for the boys to make a special drink and you all will be the judge of which team is the winner," manager lee explained, "sounds good?"

"yes sir," hana, eunbi, and andrew replied.


as the seven boys split up into teams, the three of them went and prepared the working space.

"you didn't tell me smooth boy was famous!" andrew exclaimed in a whisper.

"i didn't know either!" hana replied.

"ready guys?" their manager asked.

"ready," the three smiled in unison.

the three were assigned to their groups once the boys but in their aprons with name tags. eunbi was with sunoo and jungwon. andrew was with niki and heeseung. hana was with the team of three that consists of jay, sunghoon, and jake.

all ten of them got behind the counters as cameras filmed their learning stage. each group had their own station as they watched their instructors, eunbi, hana, and andrew, demonstrate how to use the machines.

hana took time to teach each boy individually, eventually finding the three boys extremely friendly. she tried her best to keep her cool despite the three boys' attractiveness.

"and times up!" a voice exclaimed, "thank you three for teaching the boys how to use the equipment. it's now time for them to make you a special treat. we'll see you in two hours."

the three nodded and smiled before walking into the back room together, shutting the door behind him.

"okay .." eunbi began, "what. was. that."

"who is he? what does he do? why are they all so attractive?" she asked.

hana chuckled, "i have absolutely no clue."

"how can you not know?! weren't you flirting with that boy earlier?" andrew asked.

"i- i wasn't flirting," hana defended.

"wow," eunbi began, "you're really winning at this life thing, aren't you?"

hana chuckled, "anyways .. those boys were so sweet."

"and attractive," eunbi added, "did i say that already?"

"yes," andrew replied, "one too many times."

after the two hours went by, the three were brought back outside and seated in front of three plates.

(dish one)

 •(dish one)

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(dish two)

(dish three)

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(dish three)

•the seven boys lined up in front of the three while one of their staff members explained the dishes to them

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the seven boys lined up in front of the three while one of their staff members explained the dishes to them.

"the team of dish number one heard that hana has a chocolate allergy, so they made two cakes. they said the two cakes represent the soft, fluffy side as well as the rare, dark side of them that they are excited to showcase. they also made two drinks with the same concept. a bright fruit smoothie and a dark coffee with a hint of hazelnut," the manager explained.

"the team of dish two wanted to showcase the cute side of them, which the fans love and adore."

"the team of dish three wanted to showcase their simplicity and original selves with the message that they're just like everyone else."

after the manager's descriptions of each dish on behalf of the boys, the three began to taste each dish and communicated to come up with a winner, choosing hana as the announcer.

"well we loved the fact that you all were able to put meaning into your dish, which is quite rare but impressive at the same time," hana chuckled, "they were all extremely amazing taste, presentation, and meaning-wise, but the winner is the team of dish number one."

"jay, sunghoon, and jake!"

the filming eventually wrapped up and before the boys left they walked up to the three and presented them with gift bags. each person got their own and inside contained a signed album as well as some other goodies.

"we wanted to give these gifts to you as a thank you for having us and participating in today's video," jungwon smiled.

"thank you so much," hana smiled, "you really didn't have to. we enjoyed it as much as you did."

the boys bid goodbye and smiled before leaving the café and as soon as they did, hana, eunbi, and andrew ran to a table to open their gifts.

hana looked through the album to find a little signature and message.

"don't forget to call" hana read, "winky face."

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