chapter seventeen

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after her shift, hana bid eunbi and andrew goodbye before walking towards the door and exiting, only to stop once she noticed a figure sleeping by a table

when she walked closer to the figure, she noticed it was jay, making her gasp.

he had his head in his arms that were resting on top of the table and his nose was bright pink from the cold weather.

"jay!" hana softly exclaimed, tapping his shoulder.

he immediately opened his eyes and sat up straight, rubbing his eyes like a little baby.

"what are you doing out here?! it's insanely cold!" she began, "get up. let's go."

with her bags in one hand, she held jay's hand in the other and pulled him up. her hand fit so comfortably in his hand that she didn't realize she was still holding it while they walked.

"jay," she spoke, "what in the world were you doing? why were you sleeping outside of the café? you could get sick. it's so cold, jay."

"zip up your jacket," she stated as she stopped walking, set down her bags, and stood in front of him to zip up his jacket, "you're absolutely insane."

"let's go."

hana grabbed jay's hand once more and proceeded their way back to the apartments, continuing to lecture him.

jay stayed silent the entire time, internally freaking out about the fact that they were holding hands.

"you're coming into my place first. i can't let you return to the boys when you look like you have frostbite," she muttered while unlocking the door to her apartment.

jay entered the apartment and shut the door behind him.

"i'll be right back," hana spoke before running into her room with her bags.

she came out with a blanket and went to grab jay's hand to pull him to the couch. placing the blanket in his lap, she sat on the carpet by his feet, looking up at him.

"now can you tell me why i found you sleeping in the cold weather?"

"i wanted to wait for you, so i could walk you home, but ended up falling asleep," jay explained.

hana gently hit jay's leg and sighed, "you could've waited inside the café! i'm so very thankful you wanted to wait, but jay, you're probably sick."

as if on cue, jay began coughing and sniffling.

"wah .."

"i'm sorry," jay muttered.

"i'm sorry that you're sick," hana mumbled, patting jay's knee before standing up to get medicine.

she handed him a pill and a glass of warm water, sitting next to him on the couch this time.

hana stared at jay while he took the medicine and drank the water, leaving them to be sitting in silence.

"you're being awfully quiet," hana spoke.

"maybe you should get some rest. you should go back to your place, so you could rest comfortably," hana nodded to herself.

"come on, let's go," she demanded, pulling jay up by his hand.

the two left hana's apartment and walked over to jay's apartment, waiting for the boys to open the door.

"jay," jungwon gasped once he opened the door.

heeseung ran to the door to see who it was and smiled, "oh hi hana! oh jay- uh .. what happened?"

assuming that the boys noticed jay's reddened face, hana replied, "smart boy decided to wait in the cold weather for me. i think he's sick."

the two boys stood aside for hana and jay to walk in. as soon as the boys shut the door, hana rubbed jay's hand and told him to go into his room to warm up and rest.

"well thank you for bringing him here," heeseung thanked.

"of course. i already gave him medicine, so maybe check his temperature and then if it's high, give him meds again," hana replied, "oh and soup. he should eat soup later."

heeseung and jungwon looked at each other with a strange look before hana asked, "what's wrong?"

"uh jay is usually the one that cooks for us because we kind of don't know how to cook .." jungwon replied.

hana gasped, "really? but soup's quite easy to cook."

"or .. should i cook soup before i leave?"

"yes," heeseung nodded.

"please," jungwon shyly chuckled.

"got it," hana smiled before taking her shoes off and following jungwon and heeseung into the kitchen.
there's only a few more chapters left of this story and i have a feeling that i didn't include too many 'jay and hana' moments, so to make up for it .. there's gonna be a little gift for you all on Christmas day.

i hope you all anticipate the gift and enjoy what's left of the book!

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