Open Hearted

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Olivia couldn't pull her eyes away from him, her breathing began picking up as she tried to decipher what his words meant. Until now she hadn't realised how beautiful his eyes where, blue spheres protected with the darkest lashes she had ever seen.

Just as she was about to open her mouth he lifted his hand, his thumb gently stroking her bottom lip as he memorised them, locking them in his memory. As soon as his skin touched hers she felt her insides begin to melt and her heart speeding up. Tommy's blue eyes swam with so much confidence that she felt herself following his lead.

If she could open her mouth she would tell him that his stare was all consuming, his touch cold and hot all at once but her lips wouldn't move.

"What are you doing?" She whispered as she tried to fight the feelings wrapping around her heart, as his his fingers tips we're tracing across her jaw, delicately dancing across her soft skin.

"Miss Heart?"

Quicker than the speed of lightening Olivia pulled away from him and stood up, straightening her skirt as Nurse Appleton walked in.

"What is it Miss Appleton?" Olivia asked with a tight smile as she purposely ignored the look Tommy was giving her.

Awkwardly Nurse Appleton could also feel the tension and began wringing her hands "Dr Sailes needs you in surgery"

"Of course he does" Olivia muttered as she began walking around Tommy's bed. Dr Sailes would need her in there so he wouldn't mess up again. The man was a total drain on hospital resource.

"Tell him I'll be there in five minutes"

"Okay" Miss Appleton squeaked before rushing out of the door, away from their intense stares.

Tommy watched as Olivia closed her eyes, shutting him out once again. Maybe it was this room, or this hospital but he couldn't control himself around her.

His hands were on her before he could stop himself. If the nurse hadn't walked in he was pretty certain he would of kissed her. All he wanted was to taste her, just once.

"I'm sorry" she breathed as she finally opened her eyes to him, full of confusing sadness "That was inappropriate of me Mr Shelby"

"I was the one who touched you Olivia" he said, trying to catch her eye.

Olivia shook her head, refusing to listen to him, listen to the way her name rolled off his tongue. Tommy then had to watch her plaster a false smile on her face that she reserved for her professional duties.

"Let's put it down to a misunderstanding shall we?"

Before he could argue with her she had left the room, so quickly that he only saw the edge of her skirt and the door slam before he realised that his timing had been awful.

Walking into his room she found him sleeping, his head turned slightly to the window and she thought about leaving him to sleep. However, a little voice inside her head told her that Polly would want her message to get to him quickly.

Gently shaking him she waited as his eyes fluttered open and he registered that she was back.

"Your aunt asked me to pass a message on to you" she said as she took her usual seat, trying to forget that only a few hours ago his hands where on her face.

"What was the message?" He asked as he willed the sleep away from his eyes.

"She said that you have one week and that she's coming this evening to see you"

"I need to get out of here" he mumbled to himself.

Olivia tried to not take offence but it was all over her face. The sooner he left the sooner he would forget about her and it stung

Blackened Heart- Tommy ShelbyWhere stories live. Discover now