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Olivia was only half way up the hospital steps when she saw her mother's driver loitering about in the lobby. This wasn't a good sign. After all she did force her drunken brother back on her family to deal with.

All she wanted was the morning to understand the overwhelming feelings she was having, to understand what last night had meant to her but instead she would have to push it to the back of her mind.

"Miss Heart" Nurse Appleton interrupted as they met on the top of the stairs "Your mother wants to see you in the meeting room on the sixth floor"

"Great" she hissed under her breath "Thank you nurse Appleton"

Making her way to the sixth floor she could already feel the adrenaline running through her veins. Olivia was preparing herself today the worst.

Stepping into the room she quickly realised she couldn't of prepared for this. Inside the small board room was her mother, father, brother and the family lawyer.

"Hello Olivia" her mother greeted sweetly while leaning into her, kissing her softly on the cheek.

"What's going on?" She asked nervously as she tried to catch her brothers eye but instead he looked down at the table.

Christopher looked put together, his hair slicked back, his suit perfectly pressed but his eyes told a different story. Chris looked to be in pain and she wondered if it was from her or their mother.

Mary pushed her daughter towards an empty chair and passed her a cup of tea "We need to go over some small issues Olivia, nothing to worry about" her father said as he carefully looked to the family lawyer who nodded her way.

"Can this not wait until tonight? I'm supposed to be on the first shift"

"Don't worry we've covered your shift with the head nurse" her mother smiled before taking her seat. Olivia had seen this smile many times and it only graced her mother's face when something bad was going to happen.

"Your mother and I wanted to discuss a proposition with you in regards to this hospital" her father started as he took Mary's hand and squeezed "Were taking your brother off our will and want you to take over when we pass"

"What!?" Olivia and Chris snapped together, their eyes firmly on their father.

Mary sighed "Christopher you have proven countless times that you are not fit to run this hospital. You're barely keeping your position at The Royal hospital"

Olivia saw the disdain in her mother's eyes and knew that this wasn't the first time Christopher had met her mother's wrath. A few days ago she would of felt sorry for him but that had changed.

"I told you that I'll change. I can turn this around"

"We've been made aware of the trouble you have caused your sister-"

"By who!?" Olivia demanded, her cheeks blushing now that her parents knew about her troubles between two notorious gangsters.

"Arthur Shelby has been very enlightening" Mary hissed towards her brother "We went to settle your brothers debts but Arthur had informed us of Tommy's plan"

"Mother" Olivia said as she softened, trying desperately to cut the conversation short but she was interrupted by her father lifting his hand.

"Olivia the less we know the better. We understand that your relationship with Mr Shelby is your choice, we simply ask that our family isn't involved"

Olivia looked to Chris who still had his head bowed before turning back to her parents

"All we ask is that you agree to be the recipient of the family hospital and our home" her mother said with a pained expression.

Blackened Heart- Tommy ShelbyOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant