Open Surgery

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The thumping in her ears told her that the flowers were a bad sign of things to come. Quickly shoving the card into her pocket she left the flowers on the empty nurses desk and grabbed her things.

All she had to do was make it out of the building and return home to her safe haven where she could have a break from all of the stressful events surrounding her.

It had been obvious that Tommy's disdain towards Victor was built from jealousy and she wasn't going to feed into that. As she took the final steps to the front of the building she paused.


Polly turned around and pulled off her hat which was covered in snow. In her usual fashion she smirked at Olivia before approaching, her presence oddly soothing.

"You look like hell" Polly commented as she appraised Olivia's face.

"Yes" she breathed as she put her hat on "I'm pretty sure I do"

Polly nodded as she continued to stare at Olivia "Shall we go for a drink? I think I owe you a few"


Sitting across from Polly in a private booth she found herself worrying about what was coming next and if she would be able to handle it. Olivia's nerves were hanging on by threads.

Polly lit up a cigarette and quickly puffed out a cloud of air "I saw the paper" she commented without judgment.

"Me too" Olivia cringed as she put her head in her hands, suddenly remembering that she was labelled as Tommy's fiancé.

"It's rather brave of him to do that" Polly smirked "You have to understand Olivia that The Shelby men have a different way of doing things"

Taking a gulp of her drink Olivia's placed the glass down and briefly looked over to Polly "I'm starting to realise that. I had no idea about it until my friend bought me the paper. My mother has given me hell ever since"

Polly was gracious to give Olivia a minute to collect herself before she carried on "You've made an impression on Tommy, one that I didn't think was possible" she mused "I saw the necklace in the picture. I don't know whether to worry that he's lost his mind or feel happiness for him"

"I don't understand his lavish gifts. I don't need them nor expect them from him"

"It's his way of communicating" she said as she stubbed her cigarette out "You haven't really given him the chance have you?"

Olivia opened her mouth to protest but snapped it shut. How could she argue with Polly when she knew she was in the wrong? It was all true.

Polly wasted no time in carrying on "You've done a lot for my family, more than I could ever repay you for so I want to do this" she paused to make sure Olivia was still listening "Be careful with him and with yourself. Don't get swallowed up in his life if it's not for you"

"I'm trying Polly" she replied "I thought I had everything worked out and then he turned up and tipped my life upside down"

Polly poured them both another drink, a small smile graceful her ruby red lips "I think it's the other way around"

"Why's that?"

"Tommy was happy being the cold bastard that he had become. All that mattered was us and money. The day he woke up in that hospital was the day he decided he wanted more, that more being you of course"

"It's the head injury" she dismissed with her hand as she gulped down her drink, allowing the burn to punish her throat.

Polly laughed "Now we both know that's not true Olivia. Anyway, the real reason I wanted to talk to you was about Victor Huseff"

Blackened Heart- Tommy ShelbyWhere stories live. Discover now