Darkened Door

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"Ah fuck" Alfie groaned as he looked at the blood splatter that was up the walls of his office "I don't think that's gunna' come out mate"

"I'll get it painted Alfie" Tommy said as he placed his gun back into his coat pocket, noting that his hands didn't shake. Closing his eyes he ignored the sound of his own breathing and the thump of his heart in his chest.  On the outside he was calm but inside his soul was tearing a fraction more.

It had to be done, he told himself over and over again, his inner voice chanting at him. It was either Victor or Olivia. The night Tommy opened his eyes and saw Olivia's face he made a promise that nothing on this earth would harm her, he intended on keeping that promise.

Tommy opened his eyes and found Alfie suddenly very close to his face, with an eyebrow raised as he tried to peer into Tommy's soul.

"That bad?" Alfie asked him

"Worse" Tommy agreed as he tried to wipe the blood off his tie.

"Worse than any drug they are. God created them to keep us in check mate" Alfie huffed out as he ran a hand through his scruffy beard "Well I better get this mess cleaned up"

"I've got someone to cover his shipments" Tommy said as he stood up, ignoring the blood that was pooling under his shoes "They're ready to go"

"I know" Alfie said "I expected this sooner. Why now?"

"I'm all about second chances Alfie" Tommy cleared his throat "Victor unfortunately used his second up. Such is life"


Olivia had told Ivie everything by the time they had finished for the day. It had been difficult at first when Ivie was pulled to her patients but by the end of their shift she knew everything.

"At least this mess with your brother helped you open up" Ivie said as she passed Olivia her coat.

"I'm pretty sure Tommy is having second thoughts about me now"

"I don't think so"

Olivia shook her head at her best friends optimism, if only Ivie had seen the look on his face when they parted she would understand the nerves Olivia was feeling.

"What will you do about your brother?"

Olivia bit her lip as she took the stairs "I don't want anything to do with him"

"That bad?"

"He sold me out, paid his debts with my secrets and didn't even have the decency to warn me" Olivia shook her head angrily "He's no brother of mine"

"Miss Heart" Ron, one of Tommy's men greeted her with a tip of his hat "Ready to go?"

"Yes, thank you Ron" Olivia turned to hug Ivie "I'll see you tomorrow okay? Thanks for listening"

"Be careful okay? If you need to come stay with me my doors always open" Ivie said as she threw a suspicious look to Olivia's new bodyguard.

"Thank you Ivie. I'll see you tomorrow"


Ron wasted no time in pulling Olivia from the car and walking her to her house, his eyes scanning the streets for anyone that could hurt her. Trying not to smirk at the overkill she did as she was told and stayed by his side while he completed his final checks.

"Thank you Ron" she whispered breathlessly as she opened her door.

"No problem Miss Heart. I'll be out here if you need me" Ron replied gruffly before making his way down the steps and into a car that sat at the front of her house.

Blackened Heart- Tommy ShelbyWhere stories live. Discover now