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Tommy's private meeting with Alfie had taken longer than expected. Alfie was curious as to who Tommy's date was and why he trusted her so quickly but Tommy did his usual, deflected and smoked.

Once he was free he quickly left the room in search of his date, so desperately ready to see her in the beautiful black dress he picked. As soon as he entered the hall which was still full of guests he spotted her straight away, near an ornate fire with a drink in her hand and a smile on her face.

Olivia was talking to a man called Victor Huseff, a notoriously wealthy man who spent his life investing in shipping and dealing with Alfie. As he made his way over he saw the way victor delicately touched her arm, leaning into whisper something in her ear

Olivia's eyes widened before she laughed, a laugh that seemed to be for everyone but Tommy. Rage began to settle over his skin and he forced his body to simmer. There were to many eyes on him in this room and now wasn't the time to be weak.

"That can't possibly be true" Olivia said as her hands gently toyed with the necklace Tommy had given her "I don't believe you"

"I swear on my mother" Victor laughed, his thick Swedish accent clear as day "I had a minute to react and I grabbed my shirt and boots. You should of seen her mothers face. Ah! It was a picture"

Tommy cleared his throat, announcing himself as he leaned into Olivia and placed a kiss on her cheek. A simple fuck you to the man drooling over her.

"Ah Mr Shelby" Victor greeted before sticking his hand out "Nice to see you again, you're looking well"

Tommy heard the switch in his tone and knew exactly what Victor was referring to. It has been no secret that Tommy's near death experience had people more interested in his life than he cared for. Tommy quickly shook his head before dropping it like a lead balloon.

"You too. I see you've met my date Olivia"

The surprise in Victors face was soon replaced with a smug smile "Yes, Ive been keeping her company. Didn't want he to be eaten by the wolves" he winked at Olivia who politely smiled back.

Again, another dig but Tommy wouldn't show Victor that he had bothered him, instead he decided to enter the game.

"Don't you have your own date to protect?" Tommy asked while causally lighting up a cigarette, ignoring Olivia as she looked between the two men.

Victor laughed, his eyes back on Olivia while he answered Tommy "No unfortunately not, we're not all as lucky as you Tommy"

Olivia smiled politely but could feel the atmosphere changing between both men and wondered what was the cause for their sudden tension. Had Olivia spoken to the wrong person?

"Luck has nothing to do with it" Tommy mumbled "Excuse us Victor but we need to be going" and before Olivia could say bye to the man who had kept her company Tommy was rushing them out the room and collecting their coats.

"Well, that was rude Tommy" Olivia chided while accepting her coat from him and slipping it on.

Tommy took in a sudden sharp breath as his simmering jealously took hold once again. Grabbing her by the elbow he pulled her to the front of the building and demanded his car be bought to him straight away.

"He was just keeping me company..." she started as she looked up from under her eyelashes at him, trying to understand his sudden change in mood.

Tommy shoved his hands in his pockets as he stared straight ahead, his jaw flexing under the moonlight and dimly lit entrance.

"You seemed pretty relaxed with him" he commented cruelly.

Olivia scrunched her brow in confusion. What did he mean? Of course she was relaxed, they were having a friendly conversation.

Blackened Heart- Tommy ShelbyWhere stories live. Discover now