Looking Glass

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One week. One week had passed and Olivia was an irritated mess. Barely keeping her focus she had decided to take a few days off to recoup and pull her head and heart back together.

There where times when she would replay their moments together over and over again, wishing to see clarity within the difficult situation but she never found it.

Olivia knew that she had been an inch away from forgetting her duty of care for Tommy and giving in to her swarm of feelings.

It didn't matter she told herself over and over again. However it did, if she had just taken a leap of faith and had a real conversation with him maybe she wouldn't feel so torn up by their confusing moments.

When she got back to work she was more self aware and decided to be careful with her temper. As she passed reception she was sequestered by the lovely Mrs Adam's who informed her that Mr Shelby had never picked up his glasses.

When Olivia confirmed she didn't have an address for him Mrs Adam's had offered to call him but Olivia decided to take care of the problem.


Looking at the paperwork Polly had filled in she found his address. It was an hour from the hospital. Using a family driver she decided that she would leave his glasses with his staff and retreat before he saw her.

The drive took them on a beautiful scenic route that was full of empty fields, woods and autumn colours. Olivia had incorrectly assumed that Tommy lived in the city, where all the bustle was but it was possible he had chosen this area to get away from all that.

Once the driver informed her they were five minutes out she subconsciously started to check her hair and ensure that her lipstick was still in place.

As the car made its way up the drive Olivia felt a sudden rush of regret and wanted the car to turn around and leave quickly. It was idiotic of her to be in this situation but it was too late, she was here now.

Slipping out the car she found herself admiring the beautiful house that stood before her. It was grand in scale and beautiful in appearance.

"I'll wait here Miss Heart"

"Thank you" she smiled as she took the box in her hands and cautiously made her way to the door.

Tapping lightly she stood back and tried to swallow her nerves. Olivia was pretty certain she was making a mistake.

"Hello?" An elderly woman in a maids outfit and curly grey hair asked as he opened the door. The surprise on her face said enough, Mr Shelby didn't usually have visitors.

"Hello, I'm Olivia Heart and I'm here to drop these off for Mr Shelby"

"What are they?" She asked as she peered suspiciously at her extended hand.

"Their his glasses that he left at the hospital"

"Mary, who is it?"

Olivia internally cringed at his voice and cursed every swear word under the sun for doing this stupid errand. It would of been damned easier if she had sent them through the post.

"Olivia Heart from the hospital Mr Shelby" Mary said as she looked back to Tommy who Olivia still couldn't see.

"Excuse us Mary"

Mary quickly disappeared from the door and Olivia felt herself take a small step back, bracing herself for his wrath.

Tommy stepped into the open door, his white shirt rolled at the sleeves and the top of his open collar highlighting his chest. Nothing had changed except for the confidence he exuded as he glared her way.

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