Chapter 29

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Sorry for the long wait, for some odd reason I've been feeling pretty empty lately. I don't know what's going on, but it has been making me not want to do anything for a while. I've tried not to push myself into writing when I really don't want too, because that can cause the chapters to turn half-assed. But hopefully, by the end of this chapter, you'll forgive me 😉


October 17th, 2017

The next few days were pretty much hell on earth. Angel wasn't kidding when he said that depression made everything ten times more difficult where homework was concerned.

And it was already two times worse because I still went back to school, and had even more homework given to me that was due the next day.

It got so hectic, Angel wasn't even "helping" me anymore. He was just straight up doing my homework for me.

I sigh as we both sit on his bed. I'm reading another required chapter of Animal Farm while Angel breezed through my math homework. He worked really fast, which I appreciated, but the more he did the more upset and guilty I got.

"Why don't we take a break? We have a good amount of my homework done, do some of your own. I don't want to put you behind," I mumble, closing the book and setting it to the side as I yawn, picking up my phone to see no new messages as Angel sighs and sits up.

"Yeah, I guess a break would be good. I'm getting a headache."

"Go drink some water. I still have to finish this chapter."

Angel doesn't argue as he tilts his head back to smooth out the kinks in his neck as he gets up to walk downstairs to grab some water as I sit there and begin to panic.

I had long since decided that Angel would be the first one to know what might be happening later in the year. And the the fact that I might not come back.

I know I had said that I needed to keep it to myself for a while, but I feel like if there is anyone that could help me feel better about the situation, or come up with better ideas, it would be Angel.

I just couldn't figure out on how to tell him. He's obviously going to ask why I can't come back. Why i'm leaving. Of course I could say that social things just aren't my thing, and I need a break for my mental health, but something tells me Angel would see right through that. And the last thing I wanted was for him to think I don't trust him even more than he already does.

Angel opens the door to sneak back in, shutting it behind him as he crawls back onto the bed with a cup of water in his hands. "You okay?" He asks me immediately, without having to even look at me, and I hesitate. I stare at him, trying to figure out how he knew I was having a rough time.

"How did you know i'm feeling down?"

"Well i've been knowing, since you're in burnout, but you look like you're thinking hard. And I know it's not because of Animal Farm."

I grin, crossing my arms and leaning back into the fluffy pillow as Angel stares at me, taking a long sip from his cup and I sigh. "I'm just trying to figure out how to tell you some bad news."

Angel frowns, taking the cup away from his mouth before scooting closer and setting the cup on his nightstand. "How bad is it?"

I hum, shrugging. "Pretty bad? I don't know, it depends."

Angel stares for a moment before grabbing one of Amelia's tiny stuffed tigers and making its little head move with his fingers. "Tell Angel, he's really smart and could help," the blonde imitates, his voice going up an octave and successfully making me laugh.

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