Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Blue woke up thirty minutes before his alarm rang. Scratch that; Blue had a hard time falling asleep because Ryzel's terrified expression haunted Blue. Blue can't help but blame himself for putting such an expression on Ryzel, but what can Blue do? Let Ryzel fall to his death?

That's not really how Blue was raised. If he can help it, he will do his best to save other people. That's the reason why he joined The Phantom despite knowing how difficult it is to enter the agency. Aside from its main goal of protecting the carriers and purging carrier laboratories, The Phantom extends help to insurgent-filled underdeveloped and developing countries.

With a deep sigh, Blue made his bed. Today is going to be hectic after all. He will choose agents who will get to join his squad, and Blue has an agent in mind: Ken. Blue is certain that Ken will be a great addition to his squad and the latter would also help Blue in choosing the right members.

Blue did his fifteen-minute workout and stepped into the bathroom for a refreshing shower. After that, he went to his closet and settled with a black long sleeves shirt and black pants, paired with black dress shoes. He picked up his phone when it rang and clasped his timepiece.

"Hey, Ken. Good morning."

"Good morning, Captain. I rounded up all the applicants and sorted out their profiles so you can review them easily."

Blue smiled. "That's great. Good job. Where can we hold our selection process? I am yet to get familiar with this place." The Phantom Europe Branch is enormous after all. What Ken did last night was a brief tour since they were short on time. Blue has yet to see the other training areas and check the control room, which holds an incredible amount of information.

Only the selected few are allowed to enter the control room, and Blue will do his best to get that privilege. There's no deep reason; he just wants to see what the control room looks like since Rouge has been gushing about The Phantom's monopoly of information.

"Since we have a huge number of applicants, we can use the training room downstairs. The only one available is Training Room B, the one beside Captain Ryzel's," Ken informed Blue and Blue began to feel a bit restless at the mention of Ryzel's name. "We have no other choice since the other rooms are unavailable. The other squads are having their combat training today."

Blue arched his brow and grabbed his wallet. "What's the problem, then? Let's use Room B."

Ken sighed deeply. "We can use that room but we have to keep extra quiet. Since it's Wednesday today, Captain Ryzel is practicing archery. We can't disturb his concentration." Ken began to share the unfortunate fate that the other agents suffered because they disturbed Ryzel's training. Those agents were banned to accept missions for a week.

"And the Madam was okay with that? Why do we have to adjust for him, Ken? Training rooms are for common use, and if he can't stand a little noise, then it's his problem, not ours. Tell the applicants to proceed to Room B." Blue disconnected the call with gritted teeth, while Ken was left speechless on the other line.

"Oh, man. This will be chaos," Ken mumbled in defeat and sent a message to the applicants.

Blue stormed out of his room and into the cafeteria, a dark aura surrounding him, telling others not to get close to him. He couldn't shake off the feeling of annoyance at Ryzel's special treatment. Blue wants to understand the reason why Ryzel is so privileged when like the others, Ryzel is just an agent.

When Blue arrived at the cafeteria, several agents were having their breakfasts. The cafeteria is spacious with several tables arranged neatly. The interior was rustic and the use of warm colors and warm lights added to the cozy ambiance of the place. The smell of breakfast meal wafted in the air and with the smell of crispy bacon, his favorite, Blue's annoyance dissipated.

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