Chapter 7

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Trigger: domestic/physical abuse

Parts of this chapter ain't gonna be pretty.

Chapter 7

The fifteen-year-old Ryzel stayed huddled inside the dark closet of his bedroom, his hands covering his ears as tears flowed down his cheeks and coated his eyelashes. His father is beating up his mother again. Whenever Ryzel tries to interfere and fight for his mom, his dad beats him up until he can't protect his mom. The cycle was never-ending, and even if Ryzel and his mom manage to escape successfully, Raymond Harris finds ways to bring back his wife and son.

Ryzel wants to rescue his mom from the heavy and cruel hands of his father, but every part of his body is pulsating in pain. All Ryzel could make out were muffled screams and angry outbursts, the sound of glasses breaking, and the soft sobs of his mom as she fell to the ground.

Deena grabbed her stinging cheek and scrambled away from the man whose intent on killing her. Her forehead was profusely bleeding from hitting the corner of the table earlier when Raymond slapped her hard. Her bruises from three days ago were still healing, and new ones overlapped the old ones.

"P-Please, stop this. I beg of you, Ray. Let us go," Deena sobbed and begged but Raymond was a cruel man. All he cares about was his ambition and carriers.

"Why did you let them go? Why the fuck did you free my carriers, you bitxh?!" Raymond bellowed in a drunken voice and threw a vase on the floor, next to where Deena was sitting. Raymond was referring to the thirteen carriers that Raymond kidnapped for his carrier research.

"They don't deserve to be treated this way, Ray. You kidnapped them, took them from their families, and experimented on them. They are humans, not toys!" Deena screamed and her head almost snapped from the impact of Raymond's hard slap.

Raymond grabbed Deena's hair and slammed her face on the hard floor. Deena saw spots in her vision as her head throbbed from excruciating pain. The skin on her face broke and she let out a scream as her nose came into contact with the floor. She was crying, mumbling incoherently, begging at Raymond, all while bleeding profusely.

"Do not tell me what to do, bitxh. What you did was beyond unforgivable, and you will experience the consequences of your actions." Raymond threw Deena's head down and reached for his bag.

Deena, who was feeling lightheaded from blood loss and severe pain, went even paler when Raymond pulled a gun from his bag. All Deena could think of was Ryzel; her baby. She doesn't care about her welfare. What she wants to do is stand up, run upstairs, and make sure that Ryzel escapes from this hellhole before Raymond catches her... before Raymond kills her.

Deena gathered her strength and slowly crawled toward the stairs. She flinched and muffled her sobs when she heard the sound of the gun cocking. She squeezed her eyes shut and sped up. She was on the third stair when Raymond pulled her hair and head back, producing a shrilling scream from Deena.

Ryzel went on alert and scrambled to get out of the closet despite the pain from the fresh bruises, flesh wounds, grazes, and sprains. He crawled on the floor, sweating, bleeding, and sobbing. His heart was nervously thumping in his chest, scared for the welfare of his mother. From all the years that his father beat up his mother, he never heard her send out a distressed call.

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