Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

"Asúl, can I have a glass of yogurt drink, please?" Ryzel was putting food into his belly because he is going to undergo his routine check-up, and for Ryzel, it is such a hassle going through physical exams, blood tests, and an MRI, but he said that he'll try for Blue. Going through these medical procedures is necessary to monitor his health.

"Sure, but please finish your salad, Ryzel. Eating a lighter meal won't make you feel nauseous later." Blue listened carefully to Edward days ago as the latter told him all about Ryzel's health condition and what Blue could do as Ryzel's moral, emotional, and psychological support.

It took two days for Blue to plan out a healthy menu for Ryzel. Ryzel's diet consisted of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats, but Blue did not remove Ryzel's favorite drink because that's one of Ryzel's comfort foods. When Ryzel is too nauseous or can't swallow solids because of the effects of his medicines, Blue will offer him a cold drink to make him feel better.

"Where do you want to go after your check-up?" Ryzel snapped in attention, his eyes wide as he stared at Blue in disbelief.

Blue chuckled. "What? Don't you feel bored staying here all the time? It's nice to breathe some fresh air from time to time."

Ryzel just stared at Blue, agape. For the past few months, his life has been monotonous. Hospital, mansion, back and forth. Although Edward offers to take him out from time to time, he just can't find the energy to move. Why do I feel excited now? Is it because Asúl is the one inviting me?

Blue noticed the surprise in Ryzel's face. "We don't have to if you don't want--"

"I want to!" Ryzel interjected, a bit more enthusiastic than he would like to be, earning a stifled chuckle from Blue, who cleared his throat immediately when Ryzel glared at him.

"Alright. Any place in mind?" Blue placed the sliced fruits in a clear container and placed several bottles of yogurt drink in a small cooler box. Blue also prepared some sandwiches in case Ryzel feels like eating later.

Ryzel just watched Blue prepare his snacks while sipping on his drink, thinking of a place he wants to go. Four days have passed, and although his head pounded in pain like a bitch most of the time, Blue was with him all the way, exercising admirable patience and care for him.

Two nights ago, Ryzel woke up in fear, his body trembling and his back drenched in sweat while his hands were clammy. Another nightmare, and Ryzel knows what is going to happen next: the hammering pain in his head, which he felt several seconds later. Ryzel gripped his head in pain, panting heavily, his eyes welling with unshed tears.

He took deep breaths, hoping that they would help him relieve the pain, but they were of no use. He got so used to the fact that he's all alone in his room during the night-he doesn't ask for Edward's help because he feels like he's burdening him too much-that he flinched in surprise when warm hands covered his cold ones.

From his blurry vision, he could make out Blue's worried yet gentle expression as Blue caressed Ryzel's cheek and hummed softly. "I'm here, Ryzel. It's going to be alright." Blue gave Ryzel a painkiller, which the latter swallowed.

Ryzel's head was still pounding painfully, and he felt so drained that he started to regret his decision to prolong his agony when he was pulled into Blue's warm embrace. If it were another person, Ryzel would resist because he doesn't like to be touched, but again, Blue is an exception. "Asúl," Ryzel inhaled deeply and nuzzled on the crook of Blue's neck, earning a choked gasp from Blue.

Ryzel inhaled softly and wrapped his arms around Blue's waist, savoring the warmth and comfort that Blue gives. When Blue stroked his hair and rubbed soothing circles on his back, Ryzel felt a sense of calmness wash over him like tidal waves. That calm feeling was something he never thought he needed; it was a feeling he never experienced after a series of painful episodes caused by his pounding head.

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