✯Ten✯ - Car Drive

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Chapter Ten

Teresa lay in the bed staring at the brown wood roof of the cabin. Her fingers entwine together on her chest, while she counts on the amount of times she breathes in and out. She refused her brain from running around concerning the event that had taken place a while ago.

She'd discharged her wet clothes by the corner to wash later, and not hesitating to climb the bed while covering herself with a duvet gladly welcoming its warmth.

Teresa was thankful Gideon hadn't followed her like she stated. She was uncertain what she'd have done to him had he insisted on following her.

Maybe throw the closest thing she could find next to her on him?

She let out a long sigh. Closing her eyes for the first time since she entered the room, which probably was hours ago. She welcomed the tranquility the whole room gave her.

A short knock on the door made her eyes snap wide open, she whirl her head towards the direction of the wooden door. Teresa could already guess who it might be. A call from the other side of the door proved she was right.

"Teresa. Can I come in?" His voice reached her ear, while she wanted nothing to do with him for now. Giving him no reply, she shifted her gaze away from the door and returned her eyes closed back.

Taking her nonresponse as an approval. She heard the door creak open and heavy footsteps followed, the sound heading towards the direction of the bed she lay on.

"I didn't remember welcoming you in." She said, almost restraining herself from snapping at him, while still not blessing him with her gaze.

She heard his legs stop it movement for a while, before continuing his walk towards the bed. She felt the bed dip by her side. "Teresa, look at me." A small pleading voice came. The urge to comply with him, and obey was so great, but she just couldn't open them. Not when she was still very pissed at him, his brother and herself.

"Go away Gideon." She snapped his time around, turning her back to him. She heard him sigh, and the bed lifted up while standing on his feet.

"Daniel asked us to come pick him and Rachel up. His truck battery has run down." At the name of Grandpa Daniel she sat up, slowly letting the duvet slide down her body. Finally she gazes at him, not forgetting to shoot him a glare.

Teresa took in his attire. He wore a turtleneck gray top, opting to wear a black loose jeans trouser. Gideon's physical figure was just a little different from Jacob's figure. While Jacob has flexing muscular biceps, Gideon had muscular biceps also but not one that would fill one's eyes. His jawline wasn't as hard as Jacob's, and his green eyes weren't as piercing as his brother's impelling gaze that sometimes makes her squirm on her seat. Gideon's brown hair appeared rough and tattered like he had been pulling in it.

She noticed neatly folded bed sheets laying by the side he'd just sat. Her only guess was that Glenda had arrived to take care of the house.

Noticing her line of sight Gideon spoke. "Glenda came in a while ago. I told her about the extra sheets, and-" she didn't let him finish as she stood up from the bed abruptly, dragging her lilac sweatshirt down, while putting on her sandals.

"Can we just go. We shouldn't keep them both waiting" She interrupted him in a nonchalant tone. She was bored and tired of whatever he was saying. She saw him flinch at the hardness of her tone, a hurt look flashed in his eyes.

Nodding he led the way, while she followed. Walking down the last staircase, her eyes caught that of a very young lady in her early twenties, cleaning the marble island at the center of the kitchen, with one towel sling on her shoulder and another in her hand which was wiping the island, she could already guess was Glenda.

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