✯Thirty-Two✯ - An Emotional Visit

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Chapter Thirty-Two

It was all her fault. She caused it all.

She told him to die. And now he was about to lose his life already. It was her fault her best friend Alexa is dead.

Alexa was dead.

That word kept repeating in Teresa's head, and each time it did so, she found her head about to explode with such awareness, her heart squeezed hard that she found it too hard to breathe.

The apartment she shared with Alexa was now unfamiliar with the quietness of her surroundings. It was missing Alexa's talkative voice, her happy pill, her smiles and comforting nature.

Teresa felt she took Alexa's friendship with her for granted. She was never for once always open to her, she hid most things from her. Practically everything, it felt like all her life was a full secret, with the fear of Alexa spilling whatever conversation she had with her outside to someone.

Her heart hurts, her eyes hurt from crying throughout the whole week since her death, her body numb and weak to even stand for a long time.

Teresa hadn't believed Alexa was dead, she refused to believe so. But she was soon to realize it was true when she went through her phone to realize the news was all over the internet.

She lost her mind at that moment. She had remembered speaking to her the other night, all was normal and the same like always. Teresa had kept it simple and short, with the hope of Alexa coming back home to talk to her face to face. If anyone had told her that would be the last time she ever spoke to her, she would have taken her time to savor the moment. Or correct her mistakes.

She shouldn't have shouted at Gideon before he went picking Alexa up from the airport. She should have waited, she shouldn't have cursed him.

Teresa had wished him death.

A whimper of pain escaped her lips, as she curled herself on her bed, her hands in her chest as she struggled with the piercing pain in her heart. It hurt so badly that he found it extremely hard to control the pain.

She wasn't aware of the door of her room opening, but was aware of hands pulling her to sit up, before engulfing her in a tight embrace, while rubbing her hand to calm her.

"Shh. It's okay, I've got you." Her mother's comforting soft voice spoke out as she patted her back.

"Mom." She cried out, wrapping her hands around her mother's figure.

"Yes, my sweetheart let it out." Her mother said. Teresa tried speaking, but struggled to let out a word. The lack of breath from still crying prevented her from doing so. "Let it out."

She finally spoke, her voice shaky and weak. "I-it's all my fault. I killed Alexa. Now Gideon will be next too. He won't make it." She bawled out on her mother's shoulder.

Her mother Elena, pulled her back to gaze at her face. Her eyes running around her definitely red face. "Where did you get that thought from? None of this is your fault. It was Alexa's time to leave, and there was nothing anyone could do to stop it. And Gideon? That young man is a fighter, he'll make it. I'm very sure of that." She responded in a hard tone, 

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