✯Twenty-One✯ - Blissful Words

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Chapter Twenty-One

He cupped her face and forced her gaze on him. Jacob's mouth closes down on hers, his tongue licking against her tongue even as he drags her hair away from her face and folds her close.

Teresa stiffens for a blink of a moment, before she moans one of her sweet little moans, and softens against him, the very act of her submission undoing any further restraint she had held back from. She wants everything and more, with Jacob, right here and now, and there is no turning back. There was never a moment when that was an option. And if it takes a lifetime, she'll know that again.

He tasted like sin. A devilish sin that would take hours of confession to confess. The very closeness of him clouded Teresa's entire thoughts and senses, making her imagine very dangerous and bad things she'd like him doing to her.

As of this moment, Teresa could care less about her surroundings, and the public display there was showing, even though the darkness shaded them both from prying eyes.

His lips were so soft as he kissed her. He tilted her head back even further for more access to her mouth. The sudden movement made her gasp as his tongue probers to hers, plunging every available corner of her mouth, leaving no place untouched.

He let out a sexy groan, causing Teresa's legs to turn into vegetables straight to the ground if not for the strong hold around her waist. His lengthy fingers raked her silk brown hair, pushing her mouth more closely to his, sucking the entire air out from her.

He bite her bottom lips softly, before dragging it with his teeth to free her lips. The animalistic gesture made her whimper out softly.

She slowly opened her eyes to get a glance of his face. It took her a while to adjust to the darkness, but he had already turned around facing the direction of the door leading outside. He placed his hand on hers then dragged her away from the building.

Her complete senses couldn't gather themselves as they both walked away. Somehow her legs were able to move along with his as he led her straight to his black Mercedes Benz pack in the parking lot.

She was able to snap out of her haze the instant the car door by her side slammed shut. She shook her head to clear out the cloud off her senses.

The sound of the driver's side door opening captured her attention. Jacob's tall figure entered the car, before shutting it and immediately drove off from the area.

She noticed as his hands held the steering wheel tight, making his knuckles white. His entire posture was stiff like he was trying to restrain himself.

Teresa opened her mouth to speak and try to break the silence that was prolonging far too long inside the quiet car.

Jacob seemed to notice her about to speak and shook his head for her not to speak. She found herself immediately agreeing to his gesture.

She had absolutely nothing to say. It was like her lips were tied, like her vocal cord was broken. She turned her attention to the window side of the car, trying her best to take in the scene as the car passes, but she was unable to capture anything.

Her full thought went back to the what had taken place a while ago. Her body still shaking from the kiss and pleasure he had inflicted on her entire being. Never in her life has she ever felt sure emotion before from another man. And the very man she least expected to give her such feelings ended up giving her more than she bargained for.

Who'd have thought almighty Teresa Andrew who hates the very gut of Jacob Snow, would want more from him. She wasn't satisfied, and she fears she might never be satisfied with his kiss or anything he had to offer her.

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