✯Fourteen✯ - Sponsorship

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Chapter Fourteen

"I'm doomed." Alexa groans out dramatically, slumping on the couch in the middle of the room. Her ginger red hair in a messy ponytail, the sweat on her face didn't go unnoticed, few tendrils of her hair plastered in her jawline. Her pale skin glitter in sweat, her adorable round face stood out more with her pink small lips.

Teresa glances at her briefly before shaking her head at her roommates' overacting behavior. She carried the last brown carton box into the room after thanking and escorting the moving agents who helped move in their loads. 

Finally she and Alexa found a suitable condo apartment for themselves. The place was spacious, and modern, very classy just like how they both liked it. Miraculously it was within their budget. 

Their agent contacted them about a vacant apartment just a few blocks away from their former apartments. The last tenant had packed away a few weeks ago, giving her and Alexa the fortunate opportunity to rent the building, and began moving in during the weekend when Teresa is free from work.

Dropping the box by the door side, she strode to where Alexa laid on. "What did Ben say?" Teresa sat next to her. Her brown eyes scrutinize the entire area of the apartment. It was a total mess. Boxes litter at every given corner or edges of the room, painting frames resting on the floor. The couch they both sat on was in a disorganized position.

Alexa sighs, grabbing her ponytail in her fist, her head backwards in the headrest, sea blue eyes closed. She appeared totally stressed. Ever since she excused herself to receive a call from her manager, she was a complete mess. "The sponsors are pulling out." She grunted out.

For a moment Teresa appeared confused. It took her a moment to understand whatever Alexa just uttered. She blinked once, then twice. "What do you mean the sponsors are pulling out?"

Alexa sat up sluggishly, her hands dropping by her sides in defeat. "They are pulling out, as in, they no longer want to sponsor the production of a movie for my book."

Dumbfounded Teresa stared at Alexa in pity, rubbing her roommates and friend's arm to provide her warmth. "Is there a reason why they did that?"

Alexa's lower lips looked like it was about trembling, her eyes filled with tears that were about spilling to drench her cheeks. "T-the—" she tried speaking but found herself unable to complete her words.

"Let me get you a drink." Teresa offered, standing on her feet to get a drink from the kitchen. Taking out a bottle of cold water, she twisted the cap as she dashed back into the living-room offering her a drink. "Now calm down and tell me everything."

Taking a little sip, she closed it while sniffing back her almost spilled tears. "Teresa, I don't know where to even begin from. I'm just as confused as you. One moment everything was going smoothly and the next within a snap of a finger they all began removing their sponsorship."

Teresa frowned as she heard Alexa speak. "But I thought they loved the book. It was a total hit. With the demands of people to get a movie out from it, the movie also would have been a hit. Which means they will have a good gain from the whole thing. Why suddenly pull out?" 

Teresa doesn't know how this sort of thing works. But she found herself understanding what she just said, hoping that's how it works. The last thing she was interested in was the entertainment world, profit and gain. All those sorts of things confused her totally.

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