Chapter 43, Silently Falling

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Hanabi's P.O.V

Owl ordered us to take a rest, and as the sky darkened he'd eventually called it a day. We set up tents and build a bonfire deep in the woods. Mongoose and Fox offered to go fishing in the nearby river. While Pika helped with the bonfire, I sat before Owl on a fallen tree branch. I was desperate to make any kind of conversation.

"I heard that Orochimaru was a selected candidate to be Hokage", I suddenly spoke, as Owl sharpened the edge of his sword's blade with a kunai.

"Yeah", he replied, his muscles flexing as he kept up the motion with the kunai, "he could've been an extraordinary Hokage".

Pika had gathered ample wood supply and fed them to the flames of the bonfire, making cracking sounds emanating from the pit of fire.

"What's it like in the Anbu?", I ask, trying to get the conversation going.

Owl had stopped sharpening his blade and looked up at me through his mask, "you talk too much, Hanabi Namikaze. I'd like a moment of peace before we proceed further with the mission".

"And you don't talk at all", I complained, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Does that seem to be the problem?", he questioned.

"Scratch that", I flip the subject, "we could've crossed the border of the Land of Fire if you would speed up".

"Well you're right", he addressed, tossing his kunai aside, "we could've been out of the Land of Fire if our pace wasn't slow, but do you honestly think I'll take this squad to the enemy's region without coming up with a plan first?".

I was dumbfounded.

"We could've arrived in the Hidden Sound Village way back, but as leader of the squad, I can't put everyone's life on line without figuring out a plan. With that being said, I want us to create a plan while we're still within the borders in the Land of Fire".

"I-I see"

My head suddenly jerks up in the direction where Mongoose and Fox emerged from the woods. In their hands, they carried enough fish for the five of us. I was hungry after all. They greeted me with a quick hello and took seat beside Owl.

Owl got up from his place and went up to help Pika with cooking the fish. I felt so out of place in the moment. I offered to help, but they declined my offer. They were a team that have worked together for years which made me the imposter here.

After eating up the freshly cooked fish, Owl had ordered us to assemble together to plan for the following day.

"We'll have to be on alert and avoid conflict as much as possible, remember our mission is to gather as much intel as possible", Owl addressed, the cold chill brushing away his dark hair.

"But if it's Orochimaru you best believe that we'll all engage in battle", Pika chirped in.

"That's true", Mongoose agreed, "not to mention his subordinate, Kabuto Yakushi, the formidable medic ninja", Fox inserted.

"Alright", Owl cut everyone off, "here's the plan: We get to Orochimaru's hideout and infiltrate it accordingly. Hanabi is a sensory type, which already gives us the advantage alongside her Teleportation Technique. And as of now I need someone to volunteer and head back to the village".

The last sentence rendered the rest of us in confusion.

"Why?", I ask in confusion.

Owl lowered his head, completely disregarding me. Then, when he looks up, he directs the next order to Pika, "You'd be the best one to get word to the higher ups, Pika. Tell them to send back ups if we don't return back to the village within four or five days".

"What?", I inquire, elevating my voice, "I know that missions regarding intel gathering take sometime, but is this mission that dangerous that we'll need back up?", my heart clenches as I await a response.

"The probability is high", Owl starts off, taking a moment to brood he resumed, "this is an S-rank mission after all, and who we're dealing with is no ordinary shinobi. It's Orochimaru, disciple of the third and one of the Legendary Sannin".

"Yeah I get that", I muttered to myself, "I can teleport Pika to the marked location", I offer, but Owl was quick to cut me off and say, "No, don't replenish your chakra when the crucial part of the mission hasn't even began".

Owl was looking at me directly. It made goosebumps appear all over my body when I thought about the fact that he can see my face while I can't see his. Or any of theirs.

Being in the Anbu duty is really nerve-racking.

"But if things get bad I can teleport-"

"Your teleportation capacity is two people at a time", Owl cut me off again, "and besides we're not looking forward to deserting the mission via the Teleportation Technique. Hanabi, you have to understand that on this mission, we're willing to give it our all. Orochimaru poses a threat to the Leaf village and if we don't take him down now, then we're putting the village at risk".

"You have to understand that we can't go back to the village unless we've learned something imperative, and till then I wish the four of you a good night", the last bit was directed at the rest of us.

Fox and Mongoose were quick to head to their tents, while I remained sitting on the tree branch, where I tried to make out what Owl was telling Pika in the nearby bushes.

I hopped off of the fallen branch and decided to head to my tent. This mission is imperative and Owl likes to make everything harder than it already is, but he's the appointed leader so there's not much that I can refute.

I crawled under my tent and snuggled into the sleeping bag. Today was tiresome for sure, but I know that tomorrow will be even more tiring and so I need to ensure that I have enough stamina to sustain chakra for whatever it is that's coming.

Closing my eyes, my mind wandered off to Minato and Kushina. The most memories I have of them were probably when I was four. Since I don't think that a child under the age of three or four can recall much. Nevertheless, I still have enough memories with them to put a smile on my face. I turn to the side, shifting my entire weight on the left side of my body.

My bangs had collapsed over my face, covering my blue orbs like curtains. Unwillingly, I begin self-harming by making myself remember.

The memories that Naruto never got to have. My parents that Minato lied about. The Leaf village that treats Naruto like an imposter and detests him. Who were my parents? If I have the Namikaze appearance then how did I get the Uchiha dōjutsu?

At once, every single thing that's caused me any sort of negative emotion flashed through my mind.

Hiruzen Sarutobi, the Third Hokage, couldn't take one good decision. He let Orochimaru go free because he didn't have the heart to put a stop to his student's sadistic desires. He couldn't prevent the villagers from ill-treating Naruto. He still lets a pest like Danzo do as he wishes.

I grit my teeth together as I sink further into the sleeping bag and curl. My shoulders had began shaking uncontrollably. Subsequently, I bit my lip in attempts to muffle my shrieks. The stinking tears piercing my eyes and silently falling.

Everything is hard as it is, everything is just so hopeless. I don't even know why I'm sad. I helped prevent a coup, I saved Naruto...but what is this empty cavity? Will there ever be something to fill in this void? Was I always an empty shell? Why do my thoughts always have to be my biggest enemy?

Unable to suppress my heart anymore, I cover my mouth and bury my tear-stained face in the bag and scream.


A/N:- The action is on its way so don't go anywhere, this chapter was to let you in on Hanabi's real thoughts and feelings. Things will get heated make sure you're ready..


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