Chapter 75, Once And For All

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I clutched my aching stomach as my breath hitched in my throat at his sudden strike. I began coughing up blood as I tried to process what had just happened.

I'm a hundred and ten percent sure that I skewered my arm right through him. He should be dead by now, but how is he unscathed?

What kind of trick is this?

It can't possibly be a shadow clone since my sensory skills are exact and accurate. That was his chakra and I'm sure of it.

How'd he deflect my attack with such ease?

Danzo Shimura shouldn't be taken lightly no matter the circumstances...

"H-how?", I rasped in a hoarse voice due to the impact to his strike.

"You wouldn't understand even if you had the eyes to see", he replied.

My body tensed simultaneously when I sensed his hand reaching out to ensnare me in a headlock due to the opening he made. Despite the pain, I held onto my breath as I speedily leapt away from him out of sheer will.

Once again we were on opposite sides of the bridge as I struggled to regain back my composure. He'd successfully punctured one of my chakra points.

I was panting heavily as I felt the presence of tiny limbs on my body. The petite wings ruffled against my nose as beads of sweat rolled away freely.

I adjusted my bandage when I felt the pressure from my butterflies as they poured some chakra into my body to balance the disruption created by Danzo.

"How'd you do that you filthy scum?", I panted as I sensed the stillness of his presence on the opposite side of the bridge.

"You'd be better off not knowing", he retorted in response.

He's not even making any attempts to conjure another attack.

Just what does he have up his sleeve.

Alright then, if he wants to play dirty, then it wouldn't hurt if I make it bloody.

And so I instruct the butterflies to stop pouring chakra into me and focus it in their wings instead. At once, I make sure to focus my chakra as well in order to pour it into their wings. I channel some of my chakra in a way that'll allow the butterflies to extract it.

The butterflies obey and siphon my chakra immediately. This is no longer considered the Red Butterfly Technique, from this day on, it'll be called the Bloody Butterfly Technique.

I'd busied myself for months just to perfect this technique and Shisui was one of the victims of my deadly technique. I just hope from the bottom of my heart that he's fine.

"Tell me, Danzo", I stall with the small talk in order to give my butterflies the time to generate their wing blades, "How do you keep getting away with each and every one of your heinous crimes?".

I feel the butterflies siphoning away my chakra and I let a single butterfly rest on my palm as I trace the tips of its wings to inspect how callous it's gotten.

I trace my finger pad back and forth as I wait for my finger to get cut.

"Because they are not crimes. Sacrifices are necessary to be made in order to assure the safety of one's village. And that's exactly what the Root Division of the Anbu Black Ops does, we protect the Village from within the shadows", he said it in such a persuasive tone that anyone with a pea-sized brain would believe him.

What he said made my finger go erect as I swiftly trail it over the tip of the butterfly's wing.

"That's bullshit at its finest", I remark back in response as my hand falls to my side. My finger, which had been grazed by the butterfly's wing was now dripping with warm blood.

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