Chapter 78, The Village's New Bachelor

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"I think he's right", Inoichi asserts, catching Shikaku's attention, "Danzo was prejudiced against the Uchiha, it'll only be fair if they were given the final say in what happens to him".

"That's a moot point", Shikaku affirms, then he looks back at me with his naturally narrowed eyes, "I'll make sure to make that happen, Itachi"

"I'll be very thankful", I slyly smile and breath out in relief.

Hanabi, where are you now and what are you doing? Will you come back now that everything has been settled?

"Shikaku", I suddenly say, earning his attention instantaneously.


"What about the Hidden Rain? Hanzo of The Salamander has been dethroned by someone called Pain", a crease forms between my brows.

Shikaku exchanges a glance with Inoichi then responds, "we've been tackling that down as well, but in the meantime, we're trying to tackle down the Leaf's internal affairs, which massively revolves around Danzo and the Foundation".

"What'll happen to the Root Anbu?", I curiously ask, hoping he'd supply a satisfying answer.

"We're unsure of that, but that'll be taken care of as well", he adds, rubbing his temple.

"When will I get released?", I inquire.

"Soon...and remember, you'll have to deal with some hate from your clan when you get out, so keep a strong mindset", Inoichi advised, placing a firm grip on my shoulder.

"I-I'll be sure to do that", I assure, my heart clenching a bit at the thought.

Shikaku made sure to give me a final pat on the back with a small smile before he escorted me back to my cell alongside Inoichi.

The lock clicked shut, signifying my confinement.

As I sat down on the cold ground of my cell, my mind couldn't help but wonder about what'll happen next. Hanabi surely got her eyes back, but I'm unsure of what she plans to do now. I have risked my entire reputation by confessing that night and I don't regret it at all.

Humanity has to retrieve on itself to figure out how its action has lead to the annihilation of peace and goodwill.

I tip my head low and stare down at my palms. The Uchiha won't start another uprising hopefully. From what I recalled, they did jump to my defense before my father ordered them to stand down.

Maybe they've changed. Maybe they learned to cherish the peace that has been sustained these past four years. The threat of Madara and this Akatsuki Organization remains, but all that my mind can think about right now is Hanabi.

The girl who helped this peace to come into existence in the first place. Everything between us was going just about right.

It was supposed to end good for us from the moment the coup was prevented. We should've got our happy ending, then and there at the clearing we teleported to.

But clearly, fate had other plans for us. We were to be torn and tested before we could think of a happy ending to this tale.

Just what more could happen?

If it's all meant to be, then Hanabi and I are bound to meet again. Exactly how we met at the clearing that very fateful day. I certainly don't know how things will go from here on out, but I just hope that I'll be ready for whatever that it is to come.

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