Chapter 45, Blow To My Life

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Hanabi's P.O.V

"L-let g-go of filthy...s-snake", I gasped for air, which only made his grip tighten. His hand was ice cold, just like the look he was sending me right now. My feet were swept off the ground, and I helplessly clawed at his hand, but with no progress.

"You don't get it do you?", Orochimaru grinned.

My eyes widened as I felt the blood being rushed to my face, my wind wipe was being crushed to the point where it almost felt like it was coming together. My eye balls felt like they were popping out of their sockets as I desperately called out for help.

I didn't even get the chance to mark a place with my Technique Formula and I certainly can't teleport back to the marked location with Minato's kunai.

Why aren't they helping me?

Are they too scared?

Is Orochimaru that much of a menace?

I tried calling out for them, but no words eluded my blocked windpipe. My body was completely immobile and sweat began dripping down my face.

"Poor Hanabi Namikaze", Orochimaru mocked, his tongue moving in circular motions like a python.

In a flash of events, I was immediately casted towards the nearby wall, where my body collided then slithered down. All the while I was gasping for air, I tried to make out the picture in front of me. My heavy breath wasn't letting me focus clearly, but I still managed to see the two shinobi on either side of Orochimaru.

I dart my eyes towards the Anbu men and that's when my heart stops. They stood still like statues, indifferent to what's happening.

They never took their masks off in front of me...

They didn't initiate much conversation...

Owl, Fox, Mongoose, and Pika...

My breath suddenly hitched in my throat as I stared at them with wide eyes.

No way...

The blurry picture has finally come together the longer I stared at their masks.

The animal names they've used to identify themselves with all inhabit in the undergrounds...

As much as my mind detests to believe it, I can't be in denial when all the evidence and clues have been there all along.

Owl, Fox, Mongoose, and Pika are all a part of the separate military faction. In other words: Root Anbu...

Damn me! How clueless have I been?!

"Root Anbu?!", I growled, gritting my teeth together.

"I'm afraid it's too late, Hanabi", Owl deadpans.

I look back at Orochimaru, my entire body struggling to get back on its feet. On either side of him, there stood shinobi with the Hidden Leaf headbands. Their faces are completely unfamiliar, I've never seen them around.

"Does the Root Organization have ties with Orochimaru?", I demand, slowly managing to get back in my feet.

"Only when it's necessary", Owl replied in that same tone of voice.

"What do you mean?", I held my breath in anticipation.

Owl treaded towards me a bit before saying, "It means that we resort to this when there's a threat like you roaming around". His vague remark left me even more confused. He tilted his head to the side and said, "how foolish of you to think that you'll go around freely after interfering with Lord Danzo's plans".

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