Chapter 22, Chronicles of The Third Great Ninja War: Part 6

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It was the day after the ceremony held for Ichiko and Hayate. Their new monikers spread around rapidly and eventually everyone would use it more than their real names. The dark clouds concealed the light of the sun, making the day seem dull.

From the darker shadows that remained hidden, a masked member of Danzo's Foundation was summoned in for reporting intel about last night. The aura in Danzo's hideout was nerve-racking, making a chill scatter throughout one's entire body.

Danzo was in a deep state of mind when one of his henchmen entered his office. He was brooding about the Uchiha clan as usual. His recollection of The Second Great Ninja War made a frown rest upon his face. He could've been the third Hokage if he'd volunteered before Hiruzen. The masked Anbu kneeled down and lowered his head.

"Lord Danzo", he said and pushed his Anbu mask aside, "I've gathered the intel you needed".

"Please do elaborate", Danzo replies, his gaze fixated elsewhere as he thinks of all his plans at once.

"Right. The intel that I've managed to gather at last night's ceremony is imperative. What I'm about to report to you is crucial, in fact it might make you want to revise the order and timing of your upcoming plans, Lord Danzo".

"This better be worthwhile", Danzo grinned wickedly as he gave full attention to his nameless subordinate, "go on, I have all ears".

"This intel regards Ichiko Uchiha, the kunoichi who had strategically planned for the battle on Hidden Rain grounds three months ago. The limited amount of Anbu from the Foundation you sent into battle have confirmed that Ichiko Uchiha has officially unlocked her visual prowess to a new level called the Mangeykō Sharingan. This particular version of the Sharingan can enable its user to all types of power as well as total control of a Tailed Beast".

"Like Madara Uchiha did?"


Danzo took in those words carefully and remained silent for a moment, allowing his wicked mind to function and think of a plan. He looked ahead of his subordinate and informed, "We have no choice but to eliminate Ichiko Uchiha".

"Lord Danzo, that's not all. There's something else you need to know before giving a kill order regarding this matter", the nameless Anbu calmly stated.

Danzo narrowed his eyes, "Continue".

"I deduced this intel from several trusted sources. It goes as the following, Ichiko Uchiha is pregnant with a child, the gender is still unknown, my source material confirmed that the child's father is Hayate Namikaze".

"A child?!", Danzo almost yelled, lowering his eyes to the paperwork in front of him, "this changes the flow of my upcoming plans", Danzo scoffed to himself. He pushed his undone paperwork aside and took a moment.

"A hybrid between the Uchiha and the Namikaze huh?"

"Right. This child will supposedly posses the exceptional speed of the Namikaze and the cursed visual prowess of the Uchiha", the nameless Anbu affirms as he remains still.

"How exciting. Well then, we shall await the birth of this child before dealing with Ichiko Uchiha", Danzo announced and his voice echoed along the walls, "a child like that will be a necessity for the Foundation Organization", Danzo smirked to himself.

"What do you intend on doing after this child is born?", the nameless Anbu hesitantly asks, and swallows a lump in his throat.

Danzo narrowed his eye and scrutinized his subordinate's expression. "We'll raise it within the dark barracks of the Foundation and train it to carry out imperative S-rank missions".

"What about Hayate Namikaze?"

Danzo grinned and replied, "Once this hybrid is born , you, along with some other of your Foundation comrades will be given the mission of disposing off of The Yellow Spark of Leaf and The Red Butterfly".



Once his subordinate left, Danzo was left alone with his messy thoughts and a plan to develop for the next upcoming months. And no matter how much he claims he had planned for something, it'll always include bloodshed.

Butterflies, having sensed Ichiko's uneasiness since last night, have assembled around her. One tiny butterfly took landing on Ichiko's baby bump. Her conversation with Fugaku was executing non-stop in her mind.

"The Uchiha will refuse to acknowledge that child", he'd told her last night, "who knows if it'll even be able to awaken the Sharingan?".

"My child sure will hold the Namikaze's name. But if you overlook its Uchiha heritage then that's when it might just surprise you", Ichiko had insisted.

"You've called it a crossbreed? Well it might just come up with tactics of its own", Ichiko had remarked.

"Do you really think that I'm trying to belittle your unborn child?", Fugaku inquired. Ichiko had remained silent as she stared ahead.

"The Uchiha has a bad reputation and you know it. If you want what's best for this your unborn then consider keeping its Uchiha heritage a secret".

"And why should I do that?", Ichiko had challenged him, scrutinizing direct eye contact.

"Listen carefully, Ichiko, you and Hayate are not the only ones expecting a child", Fugaku had dropped the news, leaving Ichiko astonished.

"I too have a child on its way into this cursed world of shinobi. Don't you think that the Uchiha clan will expect great things from their leader's child? Don't you think that a hybrid between two formidable clans would intrigue our clan as well as other great nations?"

Ichiko left his gaze and lowered her head. Her arms wrapped protectively around her swollen belly as her mind registered Fugaku's words. Some butterflies gathered around her once they sensed her nervousness.

"Fine", she surprisingly said.

Fugaku was slightly taken aback since he had braced himself for an argument that'll last for hours.

"Th-thank you"

Just when he was going to leave her hanging there, Ichiko had called out and asked, "By the way...", she hesitated a little, but proceeded, "what do you and Mikoto plan on naming it?".

Fugaku was taken back again but then gave her a genuine smile and answered, "The gender has been revealed to be a male, so Mikoto and I have been thinking...Itachi would be a perfect name".

"Itachi?", Ichiko echoed and Fugaku nodded.

"What about yours?", he suddenly inquired.

A small smile made its way on Ichiko's face as she said, "It's hard to determine the gender at this early stage of the pregnancy, but Hayate has this strong feeling that it'll be a...girl".

"How exhilarating, any names yo have in mind?"

"Well...Hayate had this name pop in his head once I told him. Hanabi".

"Hanabi?", Fugaku had repeated then asked, "Hanabi as in fireworks?".

Ichiko nodded and glanced down again.

"Well I wonder what moniker will be given to the Yellow Spark and the Red Butterfly's child", Fugaku had remarked before strolling down his path, deliberately fading out of Ichiko's vision.


A/N:- I'm currently working out some plot in my head so I can hit y'all with memorable turn of events. See ya tomorrow!


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