Chapter 94, Pinky Promise

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"He's unconscious...", Hanabi remarks, as we both stare down at him. The chill was still in the air as we stared back at Jugo.

"Itachi!", Sasuke bolts in my direction, yet I was too taken aback to have the same reaction. Nevertheless, I still managed to open my arms to engulf him in a hug.

However just before I could have Sasuke back in my arms, Hanabi had interjected by poking him in the forehead a bit too aggressively.

"Since you like to act all tough and mighty, why don't you tell us where Naruto is?"

I simply stared back at Sasuke who still recovered from the poke.

"You're annoying as ever, but I have to say that I'm  glad you're alive", Sasuke said.

"That's not important", Hanabi cut him off, a bit too harsh, "where is Naruto?", she demanded.

Her body language suggested that she was restless and somewhat impatient. She always seems to be when it comes to Lord Fourth's orphan.

"Hanabi", I took a firm hold on her wrist, making her eyes dart to mine, "calm down, I figured out where he is", I assured, making her scrunched face soften up.

"Kabuto has taken him...", Sasuke starts, concern written all over his face, "we were in the same cell and Karin was responsible for giving us food and water..."

"What happened then?", Hanabi demanded, letting her figure cast a shadow upon Sasuke.

"Kabuto came in and disrupted several of his chakra points then took him, before letting Jugo take guard duty..."

Hanabi and I exchanged a quick glance before we turned to Sasuke again. As much as I loathed to say it, I still forced the words out of my mouth.

"Sasuke, do you think you can keep hiding somewhere with Karin until the commotion dies down?"

"Of course he can", Hanabi interjected, earning our attention. Sasuke was looking a bit skeptical, but he still kept a steady face on display, "he lunged at this Jugo guy with a Chidori, I think he can handle himself".

"But this is not a some Genin mission!", I reasoned.

"Listen Itachi, what you're going is wrong"


"No, what everyone is doing is wrong", she sternly said, narrowing down her eyes as she looks at me, "everyone in the Uchiha clan underestimates Sasuke, hell they never even give him a chance to prove himself properly"

My lips part at what she'd just said, maybe because that was true...

"Dear Sasuke", Hanabi treads towards him, "you have to know that being strong like Itachi and I means that you'll have to stop being a kid, forever".

Sasuke was staring at her in pure appreciation, at complete loss of words.

"You think you can do that?", Hanabi placed a gentle hand on the top of his head while bending down a bit.

Sasuke contemplated for a second before solidly saying, "yes".

"Alright then", Hanabi smiled genuinely, before squatting down to level Sasuke's face. She held out her pinky for him and said, "pinky promise?"

A single tear eluded Sasuke, which he quickly wiped away before nodding at Hanabi with pure gratitude.

"I'm not a kid, but pinky promise", he echoed and curled his pinky in hers.

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